
Help. pregnancy testing confusion!!?

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been TTC for 8 months now. i am currently on day 14 of a 27-28 day cycle. so just past ovulation time. I have just done a pregnancy test (i know its early but i bought like 150 in a bulk buy so its so tempting when they are just sat there)!! and shock horror 2 lines??! i was so shocked i retested it again with the same urine sample but it only came up with one line. would the first test have absorbed all the pregnancy hormone?(i know my levels would be low at tho moment). has any body else got 2 different results with the same urine sample?? i know that false positives are rare but thinking that i might have got one here as it is very early to detect. please help!!!





  1. With having 150 test I would be for sure taking a few more with different urine...good luck! I hope this is your lucky month:). Please keep us posted and let us know how it turns out.

  2. It sounds like you became pregnant last month and just found out. All you can do is test again with fresh urine. However, I'd test in the morning so the hormone has time to build back up. Best of luck!!

  3. umm, well i think that during ovulation, the hormones released can give a false postive on a hpt, its very rare but can happen-i have been reading up on it cos i just found out last week that im pregnant, and read the test leaflets and researched it on the internet extensively cos i couldnt believe i got my bfp!!

    I think ts unlikely that you are pregnant, but wait until your period is due, and test again, to make sure.

    Also, i hold the test in my urine stream, i dont like the idea of using collected urine-try that next time, and use the first urine of the day

    Good luck!

  4. I got a false positive with like 4 home tests (diff urine samples) and after 2 urine and a blood test at the Dr. found out I wasn't... so false positives do happen, but I would suggest waiting about a week and testing again considering its so early in your cycle  

  5. according to what i know... it takes 7-10 days after s*x until you know your pregnant...

  6. try another test and if that has two lines, congrats!

  7. I would definitely test again but I would also wait for tomorrow morning to take the next one. Give your body the chance to build up a little more hormone. :-) Good luck and *~*~Baby Dust~*~*  

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