
Help?! question about my anoles tail!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i have two anoles, 1 male, and 1 female.

i got the male in feb. and the female in april.

they are always lying near each other and with each other but today i was walked into my room and they were fighting.

My male is very thin and i have tried feeding him and he just won't eat so i was thinking, maybe it was b/c of the female.

So i was going to seperate them and i took the male out and put him in a little container until i got his tank setup and i accidentally closed the lid on his tail and the end of his tail came off.

Should i be worried at all?

the tip of his tail now is bleeding a little and idk what to do.

I feel so bad about it :/

He won't let me touch him though to make sure he is ok, so does anyone know what i should do?




  1. Yes, take him to the vet.

    Visit this website everything about them is listed there.

    For now put a tiny bit of neosporin on it.  That is an antibiotic

    cream so that it won't get infected.  Try to keep the area

    where he will be clean.

    Hope your little pet gets better.  I am glad you asked this

    question because i had never heard of this animal.  :)

  2. The tail is not your primary concern right now that happens all the time. Your primary concern is the lizard is not eating. My recommendation is to pick up a can of baby food preferbly chicken, and a syringe. Force feed him a 1 or 2 CC's every day until he starts to pick up some weight. Hope this helps. Good Luck.

  3. i think he should be OK. :) lizards are use to losing their tails and the injury should be OK. just keep an eye on him and he should be fine. don't  worry!!! you didn't hurt him!!!!

  4. We have tons of Anoles at our house out in the country in Texas.  One day I saw my Bulldog with one in her mouth in the backyard.  I got it and took it to safety.  She had bitten it's tail off....Then, about a month later I saw one on our porch that was growing a new tail.  Sure hope it was the one I saved!  But, with your problem, I would call the vet.  Good luck.

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