
Help!! quick i just burned my hand!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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im typing this with one hand, so it might have errors but

i was cooking something and i turned on the wrong stove, so after 20 minutes with it on high, i relized what happened and i went to go turn it off. i went to turn it off, the k**b is above the stove, i burned myseld.

idk how, i didn't even toucvh it and i was like 8 inches above it, idk how it happened, but i difd

so my fingertip and it looks white, with like a wrinkle, what is this?

i have it soaking in there any oother treatment? it hurts really baddd.

how ling does it take to heal??

help! thanks




  1. whatever you do, DO NOT PUT IT IN ICE

    ice burns skin, so it will just worsen

    i JUST learned about all this stuff so ya

    except i forgot how to heal it ^^'

    but i remember no ice, lol good luck with that!

  2. dont put it in water or use ice.

    that'll make it hurt more

    like the guy above me said, use aloe

    or toothpaste

    so it stops burning

  3. If you have an aloe, try that.  Keep it cool (maybe ice).

  4. This hapened to me but it was late at night so itt was killing me all night if i took it out of the cold water.but when i woke up in the morning it felt fine.just keep soaking it until it dosent burn when you take it out of the water, tommarow you make have a blister and that's what the thing probably is,don't pick at it or pop it because it will make it worse,so just wait until it stops burning and you should be fine.

    btw, if you do pop it make sure you put a band-aid on it so it doesnt get infected.

    it should be okay in a few weeks.2-6 depends how bad it is.

    good luck!!

  5. This happened to me can't do anything but putting ur hand on something cold can help. Mine burned for a whole day but I forgot about it when I went to sleep. I tried putting ice on it and removing it but it still burned...I would suggest leaving it alone.

  6. Keep in water for a while.  Without looking at it myself I'm not sure whether or not it really needs a doctor, but I'm guessing not since you're not already at one.  After you take it out of the water, put some lotion on it and take some OTC painkillers.

    Depending on how bad it is depends on the healing time.

  7. go 2 a doctor,

    i heard that if u put toothpaste on it it wont leave the burn scar and might stop the pain but im not sure since i never really needed that advice

    i agree with Bored NH

  8. buy sun burn spay  its for fire burns too!!!!   oh and the little (or big)white thing is where you got burned

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