
Help quick!! why does mold grow on bread?

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dont tell me google. if you are gunna be rude i will just report you. that is what this site is for. please let me know by 8:30- 9:00 tonight! thanks you and i will be choosing the best answer.




  1. Mold is part of the group of living things called FUNGI ( mushrooms and slime molds are part of this group too). Fungi are a separate kingdom, like the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom. Unlike plants, fungi cannot make their own food. Molds and slimes need to eat off their environment, and they usually do this by growing THROUGH their food. This means the fungi break down whatever they're going to eat by squirting out juices to digest it, and then they grow their HYPHAE (they kinda look like microscopic roots) into the dissolved food. In the case of bread, it's a nice nutritious food source for both ourselves, and fungi!

    The air that surrounds us is full of dust.In this dust you will find tiny micro-organisms, and fungi will be among them. The type of fungi found in air is called a SPORE, and it has the same job as dandelion seeds. A spore will float around until it lands on something and if that something is food, that spore will germinate and grow into a nice healthy fungus!

  2. There are zillions of kinds of Mold Spores floating around in the air- & they EACH have their Favorite places to grow... They're ALL part of Nature's way of "recycling" organic materials- BACK to their Origional State (soil). So Bread Mold grows on bread- because nothing ELSE got there before it, to consume (& thus decompose) it.  :)

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