
Help! really need help?

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i used austrlian gold dark fire tanning lotion outside , and now im really red and its starting to scare me HELP!




  1. You have burned your skin, go take a very cold bath as cold as you can stand for as long as 20 minutes.  Don't use ice water.  And then use some burn cream.  They make ones with lidocaine and such, which is a pain killer.  A very light pain killer but it will help.  And keep your skin covered and moisturized.  Make sure your moisturizer doesn't have alcohol in it.

  2. The response from forthof4inva contains everything I would have said, but I have a few additions:

    --Wear natural fibers that breathe and won't rub your skin too much. Cotton works a treat.

    --Drink plenty of water to assist your body in healing and to compensate for the dehydration that occurs from burning yourself.

    Also, depending on the level of redness--if it is really red with a tiny tinge of gray or starts to look more purplish or if it looks wet and blistered, go to a doctor! It is possible to get sunburns equal to third or second-degree burns. I had a third-degree sunburn once with some areas of second-degree sunburn, and with those it is very important that you get medical help (typically antibiotics, prescription burn creams, and sometimes pain medication) because the barrier your skin creates has been compromised and doesn't prevent infection as well.

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