
Help regarding pulling out of uni?

by  |  earlier

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hey guys, im due to start in september at uclan based at Preston, but this past month or so ive had some severe doubts and now i have thought about it i think this course isnt for me.

I sent them the email confirming my place and once i got my college btec results, they sent me a letter confirming they have accepted my place.

If i was to contact them, would thy cancel my place on the course etc?




  1. you should really think about it a lot before pulling out as if you then change your mind again they might not let you back in.

    also, what sashs.geo said about student funding etc isnt quite right. if you drop out of a course in the first year, before the second year starts then you dont have to worry about the student finance etc as you can still get it again another time if you wanted to do another course, and they dont take away a year of funding or anything.

    its only if you drop out after the end of the first year that they get a bit weird about giving you student loan and finance again. i know about this cos i did it

  2. There is still time to cancel.

    Do it as soon as possible if you absolutely sure you don't want this university place. Once they have cancelled it may be very difficult to get on this course if you change your mind.

  3. i guess its better to do it sooner rater than later, they cant make you do anything.

    Did you put any money into this uni?

    also it may just be cold feet, if you did go you may love it. (plus my sister tells me first year all you do is get drunk, sounds fun)

  4. Yes, Im sure they will. People change their minds often. It wont be a problem.

  5. Yes

    and do it NOW. You might want to  to uni in the future so you need to 'bank' your student loan funding. If you start a course and drop out you will have received LEA funding, the LEA will have paid your course fees for one year so if you go to a different uni, or even back to the same one they will take one year's funding away.

    Also someone else may want a place on that course so pulling out now gives the uni a chance to fill your place.

  6. You could start and if by december you still don't think it's for you, then you could leave or take time out, as it is you can't apply to anywhere else.

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