
Help! safe to unplug radio???

by  |  earlier

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i left my radio outside last night and it was plugged in, well it rained pretty hard last night and now that static noise is coming out of my radio, is it safe to unplug it?




  1. get a non-conductor of eletricity and unplug it. like use a wooden stick or broom.  then you may want to concider a new radio =]

  2. well im not sure but deffinatly not if its wet

    if its dry then try unplugging it real quick

    maybe have an adult do it , or a friend whos brave lol

  3. do it

    it'll be a laugh  

  4. Sure it's ok to unplug it. But the radio might be damaged. Let it dry out and give it a try

  5. Try to cut power to the circuit , you may want to throw the main breaker altogether.

    Once you let it dry out for a couple of weeks hook it back up to a strip breaker and test it out.

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