
Help scared of school??

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hi, i used to have this thing called severe social phobia, but i got help for it and was doing really great until i started a new school, and everything came back again. the popular kids keep looking down on me all the time making me feel like an ugly little nerd. i used to not give a s**t what other people thought of me until now help what do i do?? :-(




  1. People who look down on others are the ones with the problem.  They have to put other people down to make themselves feel good about who they really are.  You are as beautiful as you think you are.   Also, NERDS always end up making more money and looking better than the "popular" kids.  Most of the time the popular kids burn themselves out at an early age.  Remember, NERDS rule.

  2. Just keep your head high. Don't let people put you down. Make over yourself to something that gives you high

    self-a-steem. Don't let kids at school put you down because I'm sure there are days where they have a zit and look completely stupid trying to cover it. Be nice to them (Don't kiss their but--but be nice if they are laughing or being rude) and don't show that what they do is affecting you. They will quit eventually if you don't show any feeling for what they say at all.

    ~Hope this helped!

  3. im really sorry about that. i promise you there is someone out there who will become your friend :]

  4. hey there,

    listen, im going to go to grade 10 this year and it's my first year in america and i used to be really worried but i decided not to worry. you should believe in yourself and be confident.

    dont let the way they are, change the way you think of yourself! who cares what people think of us??? just forget about it. and besides, it's a new school. it's always hard at the beginning, but im sure you'll get used to it!

    good luck buddy, and wish me luck too!

  5. dont worry about them their probably to stuck up to even notice you...

  6. Maybe a little brush up with a therapist?  Since you've been there before, you know it's not a big deal.  Just think of it as another way you prepare for the first day of school - notebooks, pencils, where's my bus stop and a visit or two with someone who can help you talk it through and develop some good strategies.  First day of school is rough for everybody - most aren't brave enough to admit it.  Keep being brave and tell Mum or Dad you need a little support.

  7. make some friends who like you for who you are and forget about the popular people they have nothing better to do but look down on people and try to ruin them but dont even worry about just walk by them and ignore them whats the worst that can happen?!?!? friends are easy to make dont be scared talk to people and be your self the worst that can happen is they what?!?! theres always people out there who will like you for who you are =D maybe you vam even change your style =]]

  8. you need to find someone to talk to before you relapse you also need to just stay calm and remember that you are you and no one elses comments matter.

  9. just make it seam like you dont care thet will buzz off and  then u can REALLY believe that you dont care what they ar saying. it just takes a little self assurance. no one is a nerd that is not a real word. a nerd is just another word for smart or not gorgeous just natural or normal. there is nothing wrong with being any of those things. just be urself

  10. It's harder than it sounds, but try not to care if people think you're a little weird.

    I have the same thing, and I always try to look at a new environment with optimism. It's worked so far.

  11. just get some more help

  12. try to talk to some other people that are like you. try to talk to some other lonely person.  then you may socialize and then you wont be lonely anymore.

  13. just remember that the popular kids arent going to matter after highschool :)

  14. try not to think those people in school but if that doesn't help... try  to be a little open and friendlier to different people...but not clinging to people to be your friend... try to up your style read magazines and see things that are comfortable for u.....if u wear a uniform try to do something with ur face and of luck!!!

  15. just ignore them

  16. get different friends and dont listen to what those kids say

  17. I would see a mental therapist.  Or You could start off by acting or being mature and be really quiet and try not to pay any attention to people you dislike. That way maybe kids will leave you alone if you concentrate on your goals of not being pushed around all of the time.

  18. The first thing you need to do is to tell your parents that you are feeling this way.  You can start  getting help again to solve this before it gets worse.  You can handle this because you are a "winner".  You conquered your phobia before and you can do it again.  This time it will be so much easier.  Please don't let this escalate into anything bigger than you can handle.  Okay. By the way you are not a nerd so you should not feel that way.  In fact, I think you are brave asking for help.  Now, go to your parents and let them know what you are feeling.  If you need help from your school, go to your school counselor and demand assistance. Your parents can be your voice because it may be a little tough right now for you. I will be cheering you on and praying that in a few months you are hanging out with your new friends and feeling confident.  Be well and happy, Grace

  19. who cares walk by them and act like your the sheit if you think low of yourself you are only degrading yourself. and who cares what other pepole think man move on with life and make friends.

  20. stand up to them and then just be yourself.

  21. My sister's the same way-thats why she wants to do home schooling now but my dad wont let her because we all know home schooling will never get you to a good college or have a good life! No offense but back in the oldies-school wasnt free so they had to pay for it. I mean my grandma had to work at age 12 just to get an education and school books to afford them!!! It was harsh, but anyways back on topic, try to get some friends and be who you really are. I know being popular sounds awesome but would you want to do the same thing to people as you are experiencing now?! Of course not, it's a horrible feeling. Have a group of friends on your own and its ok not to fit in! Its what makes us different an dmore special then others! We all our different and we should respect that but for some reason the populars dont seem to know that! They just got a wacko brain and dont know whats inside it. If friends dont come to you-you come to them! I mean theres always a couple of people as you walk down the halls who are not being noticed at all and they truly need a friend to help them out! If you're that friend, then get to know them better and start haning out and stuff! If that doesnt work, then try to get help for the severe socil phobia again! Good luck and i hope i helped you1  : )

  22. get help again, if it helped last time, it'll help again!

  23. ok hon..i noe xactly how u feel..take wat im bout 2 say from some1 with the same xprience..those people who u think lewks down on u might b doing that only bcuz they might b jealous of u in any shape or form..i dont blieve any girl is ugly..dont listen to wat they say..i mean  u know wats gunna happen 2 those kids who r doin tht 2 u??..well 10 years from now sum of them will be homeless, drunks,drug dealers..and u might jes b enough 2 change this world and b the one to get rid of

  24. Freinds are people that see you when your invisible. On the first day of fourth grade, I invited a new kid that everyone ignored to sit with me. We were freinds for a couple of years. Now we're not. Long story. Her fault.

    Anyway, be yourself, maybe aske someone to help you study or sit with someone new at lunch.

  25. I used to have the same thing.  It took a long time for me to "get over it".  You just have to realize no one is judging you.  Only in your mind does anyone care what you're wearing and how you look.  They did a study on college kids.  They made them wear things they thought were ridiculous.  They thought everyone was "noticing" them and judging them.  But afterward they surveyed all of the people who saw them, and pretty much no one noticed anything at all strange about them.  Just keep telling yourself no one is judging you.  And even if they were just blow it off (I know that sounds pretty impossible) but it really works.  Everytime you feel like really anxious and paranoid just bring an ipod and turn it on so you can focus on something else.

  26. dont be yourself be like the popular kids.

  27. be yourself.

    people will like you for who you are.

    no matter what.

  28. You ignore them or stand up to them and you should see your counselor don't let petty people effect you because they are jealous if they talk about you you can just be yourself and not worry about them if they make you feel that way tell yourself they are not what they think I am I know who I am

  29. dont listen to the first guy..

    you should just try to socialize. i knwo it seems hard but i started a new school and i was scared as h**l. i made lots of new friends. just talk and be yourself =]

    hope it all works out.

    answers mine please.;...

  30. Let's face it ur gonna have to meet people to get through life and to have a good life. by learning to deal with others now it wont make things easier but it will be better for you in the long run. its cooler for you to be on your own so that teenage loosers wont rub off on you. know that you are special and that you have your own qualities. focus on music or drawing or acting or something like that. some of the coolest most brilliant people in the world had social phobias. 1 out of 20 people have some sort of phobia, so dont feel left out. Famous singer and actress Barbara Streisand had a social phobia- she didnt let it get her down. dont let it get you down either.

    In a long long time when you are looking back at your life you wont be thinging of those kids. you'll be thinking of all of your great accomplishments. so dont worry about them (they look cool now, but in 20 yrs when karma strikes back theyll be sad and depressed and probably even have a phobia of the color blue or something). KEEP YOUR SPIRITS UP AND JUST HAVE FUN!!!!

  31. Where did you get help from it before? Can you go back there and do the help course again? What do you remember that helped you?

    LOL I always thought the popular kids were wankers.

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