
Help school! damage!?

by  |  earlier

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these kids had a fite in art class and splattered paint every where including my 40 dollar ambercrobie shirt the assistant principial told them they would have to pay and they got a days detention my assistant pricipal took my shirt fo evidene and hasnet given it back for a week and hasent brought up the subject then both guys came up to me and sed they werent gonna pay for my shirt so i told the asstant pricipial and he didnt do anything about it theres only 3 er 2 days left of school wut do i do!




  1. be like i demand that u give me my shirt baCK and have them pay for it. and if he doesnt be like im suing u. lol it could work

  2. make your mom or dad march up to the school and yell at his ***** as5

    haha. my principal got arrested for being a peeping tom, he was caught about 2 months ago on a thursday before school looking through a single mom's window. GROSS!

  3. i agree

  4. tell your parents to call the school
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