
Help seeing daughter more positively?

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I find my 4 year old daughter to be very ugly. I think her mom slept with someone else, because I'm very attractive and her mom is okay. Just in case she actually is mine, though, how can I see her as a more pretty girl or make her prettier?




  1. well, get a DNA Test?

    and wait a while, she might turn out to be proper hot.

  2. I think you're right.  She's not yours.  If she were, she'd be beautiful to you, no matter WHAT she looked like.

  3. The best way is to get in your car and keep driving.  In about 20 years time when she's really confident and successful and doesn't want a bar of you, you'll be thinking "if only I hadn't been such an d******"......

  4. She is only 4, and you are looking at beauty?  Shame on you for being so demeaning of a child. And if you think she doesn't know it, you are in for a big surprise.  Just love her, that is all that is required.  And then come back when she is twenty-one.  Ever heard of the ugly duckling?


  5. wow, you are a very shallow person.  love your daughter for who she is, not what she looks like

  6. You disgust me.

  7. This is why kids grow up with no self-esteem.  

  8. What kind of question is that? That's horrible.

    you seem to think you're all that, but perhaps you're not. and yet your childn's mother is ok? like seriously get a clue, from what you've just written, you are ugly on the inside and that shines through more then anything physical.

  9. Are you serious?  Firstly, its horrible that you would say you find your own child ugly.  Secondly, don't blame the mother.  Just cause you are attractive doesn't mean you will produce gorgeous children. I mean look at Demi Moore, her kids got beat with the ugly stick...all three of them.  The amount of love you have for your child isn't based on looks though.  How she looks, and SHE didn't choose her looks, YOU did, should mean absolutely nothing to you, she should be the most beautiful girl in the world.

  10. you crazy..

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