
Help!!! serious problem with my bff!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok. this might be a little long but i have a serious problem. my friend "mary" is wanting to have s*x with a guy "daniel" the problem is 1) "daniel" is known to be a player. earlier this summer "daniel" and "mary" were talking a lot and sending pics to each other but then "mary" found out he had a girlfriend. "mary" broke off contact with "daniel" but now they have started talking again and decided last night to have s*x. I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT TO DO!!!!!!!!! i believe that s*x outside of marraige is wrong but thats only part of the issuse. o and both "mary" and "daniel" are 16! "mary" has been wanting to have s*x with a guy, any guy, for the past couple monthes and my other friends and i have no clue how to dissuade "mary" from doing it..... so any help would be great!!!!!!!!! thanks sooo much!!!




  1. kimmie... you just need to stay out of "mary's" business... it doesnt matter what you say or do if she wants to have s*x shell do it.  you cant force your beliefs onto other people.

  2. The fact is that as much as you may try to dissuade mary, she is probably going to do what she thinks is right and learn from her own mistakes. If she is looking for "s*x", then this "player" is just right for her. You have to understand that people don't have the same values as you and they have to find things out the hard way or else they will never learn.

  3. daniel isn't the player, i am the player because i got the monster :

  4. tell her straight out how wrong it is... then just be there for her no matter what she chooses. if she goes ahead with it she'll need you more then every. be there for her. he'll break her heart

  5. wow sorry but ur friends on the road to becomin a high-class hoe

  6. explain to her that s*x outside of marrage isnt good. & ask her if shes ready to possiblty have a baby & if "daniel" would good for her.

    i would say try really hard to talk her out of it b/c she could be making a big mistake. & if "daniel" is a big player, more than likely hes had s*x before & could have some kind of std or whatever. but yeah i would try to tell her to just leave this "daniel" guy a lone & wait to have s*x b/c when shes married & with the person she truly loves its ganna be worth it!  

  7. Mary is too immature to have s*x, she is not ready yet, but there isn't much you can do about it, unless you tell her parents(!!)

  8. Don't even get involved. You will be wasting ur time. Women fall for players despite other peoples warnings. They can't help it they are women. They operate purely off of emotion.

  9. Dude, she sounds like a w***e. I hate girls like that, the ones who are so eager to lose their virginity that they just f uc k anybody. I'd be disgusted >.>

  10. She's going to do what she wants, sometimes you just have to sit back and watch the people you love make bad decisions and be there for them when it goes bad.

  11. Be a good friend and tell her how reckless shes being!If she does it anyway, you did your part as a friend.Tell her this is the day where AIDS and stds are all over! Its just crazy to have s*x with someone who a) doesnt care about you enough to be honest or b) is sleeping around with everyone.

    Condoms arent fool proof...tell her that.

    Might want to find a new friend.You ARE known by the company you keep.

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