Alright, I want to set up my Royal Bank account to my paypal.
From research I know all the info can be found without using a check like it suggests (I don't have checks)
It's not working when I try though i'll post the general info i'm using.
Bank Name: Royal Bank of Canada
Transit number: 07930 (when I search it up, it says 7930 but I got told to put a 0 in front to make it valid since it needs to be a 5 digit number)
Institution number: 003
Now when it asks for my account number...i'm pretty sure its the number that looks like this (but obviously filled in) 00000-0000000
(Beside where it says account balance theres a button that says 'view' I click it and beside saying what kind of account mine is it has this number, so I think its the account number)
If any of that is WRONG. Please tell me! Because it looks right to me.
I'm thinking its the bank name. Should I say RBC Royal Bank instead of Royal Bank of Canada?
Maybe what I found isn't my account number?