
Help...s*x question.?

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My boyfriend and I have been dating for 7 months. He's 16 and im 15. I just know we're going to be having s*x soon. Is that bad & does it hurt. Because im kinda scared but i want to do it.




  1. No, it's not bad.  Though I do recommend you wait it out as long as you can.  The repercussions of having s*x too early can be devastating.  Make sure you're ready, and if you have the openness with your mom, talk to her or a counselor at school and get all the details of protection.

    Yes, it can hurt the first time.  After the first time it gets better, but for most girls the first is never quite the 'fairy tale' it looks like it should be in the movies.

  2. Well I think that your a little bit to young to even be thinking about having s*x, but if you are going to make sure you two are both protected. And the first time will be quite awkward and weird, and yes it will also be pretty painful, honestly you probably will not enjoy it your first time and you may also bleed a little. Just please be careful.

  3. Don't do it. If you insist on doing it, go to your parents, and tell them you want to do it. IF you aren't mature enough to talk about it openly with a trusted adult, you aren't mature enough to do it.

  4. Please wait, you're too young to have s*x!!!

    Yes, it will hurt. Generally, the younger you are, the more it will hurt.

    Again, PLEASE WAIT!!!

  5. Wow you're really stupid. Enjoy being a kid, you only get to be it once in your life. You'll have your chance to do it when you're older. No, it does not make you more mature if you have s*x. Just another foolish teenager.  

  6. You're too young!  I'm 18 my first time was at 16, you have no idea how I wish I would've waited.  I waited one year before I had s*x with my boyfriend and he dumped me 2 months later on my birthday!

    Every teenager wants to do it's our hormones.  Please wait, I wish I would've, you can have s*x as many times as you want but you'll never get back that innocence.  

    It hurts A LOT.  Probably will your first few times, assuming you go through with it.

  7. It will hurt.

    Be carefull.

    Get on Birth Control.

    Get him to wear a condom.

  8. Yes it hurts!

  9. Your one stupid girl

    I hope you know abt STDs and Pregnancy and If you get pregnant don't run to answers and be like I didn't mean to do it what do I do now. Condoms or birth control aren't 100% effective. Stupid *****  (Yeah I went their)

    I was starting to think that Blondes weren't really dumb but I guess Blondes are really dumb

  10. yes it will hurt

    sorry won't be able to tell you how much cuz im a guy

    but you're only 16 don't give it up

    you're too young to be having s*x

    there are so many different things that go wrong (excluding pregnancy)

    so be the bigger and better person and don't give it up

  11. it will hurt the first few times...and the more scared and tensed up you are, the more it'll hurt because it will make thing harder.

    make sure you're ready to talk about birth control and pregnancy with him. if you aren't comfortable doing that then you shouldn't be having s*x with him.

  12. it very from female to female. if you have a fully intact hymen it will hurt and bleed, but if you hymen has broke (which can cause of physical activity or s*x toys) then it want hurt so bad and might bleed little to none.

    make sure to use protection.

    and to only have s*x when your 100% ready (mentally, physically, and emotionally)

    if he loves you he will wait until you are a 100%

    " you can love without s*x and have s*x without love"

    I'm 18 virgin god d**n proud of it with a bf of 7 months. i want to have s*x but can afford birth control so I'm going to wait.

    for research on birth control check out:

  13. Don't do it. You're obviously not ready.

  14. it will hurt the first time.

    after that youll get used to it.

    take it slow and let him know when you want to stop.
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