
Help! should i agree with my parents descision?

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I really want to start kayaking with my school and my friends. At school the kayakers train quite alot, but im ok with that. I really enjoy kayaking and whenever ive just gone out on the river ive loved it. but the only problem is we live about 45 minutes away from school(by public transport, about half an hour by car), while the rest of the people doing it live about 10 minutes away. My parents have refused to let me take on this extra activity, because i have to do all this musical stuff im not allowed to quit. I think I could make it work, do you think I should go and sign up anyway?




  1. If you don't love doing the music you are living your life for your parents. While they are the authority and the financial ground on which your activities are based, you need to show them what your passions and dreams are. Music is not more important than sports. sports are not more important than music. it's all based on what each individual loves. music is more cultural? perhaps. but that doesn't make you less of a person for loving sports as one of the answers might imply. Try to deal with the parents and give you a "trial" run on doing both. Don't approach them with no plan or information. you work out the money end of it, the equipment, the travel, time for music, time for study and school. get everything in a plan and present them with the trial run. when my kids can show me responsible thinking how can i deny them a try? maybe your parents will feel the same way.

  2. I think it's great that you are interested in activities after school. Although for the sake of you and your parents getting along, you should respect their decision. This will definitely make things easier down the road. Why start this feud when it doesn't need to be had? They know what's best for you. I did notice that you said nothing mean or negative about your parents, and that's GREAT! Trust them, they only have your best interest at heart. I think that down the road, music is a great thing to be involved in. My whole life centers around music, even though I'm not a musician. I love it and that will always be with me. Good luck, and keep listening to your parents, they will not steer you wrong!

    p.s How about taking a kayaking class in the summer when school is out? That way, you still get to be involved in it, and it seems that it would be easier on everyone!

  3. I have a personal preference, MUSIC IS MORE IMPORTANT! Kayaking is not that valuable in a compassion!These lessons will stick with you for your whole life! It makes you a better person! Your parents know that! If you are in need of money in the future, one can fall back on a trade; MUSICIAN! Kayaking can wait, if you can play; it would be an advantage to take it along with you! People are impressed by MUSICIANS, it is a magnet to attact people!

  4. Well, it sounds like you love kayaking! I enjoy it, too! Sounds like you live quite a far way away from your school. But then again, your parents drive you there every day, right? It really is up to your parents but you should tell them how much you want to do it. They might understand. But yes, the music thing could be a problem, but if you have an idea to make things work, then I hope everything works out for you then. Good Luck!

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