
Help! should i do itt?

by  |  earlier

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okayy, so my parents are goign to let me go to ireland for a month over the summer and stay with my cousins and work. i love ireland and have absolutly no problem doing this my only concern is will i am only seventeen and wouldnt be able to get in any where if i were to go out with them at night... they live in galway so its not liek they woudl just be going down to the pub at nightt. the reason i want to go is so that i wont be bored this summer but if i would just be sitting in at night i could do the same thing while in america! soo should i doo itt? thanks for the advicee




  1. h**l YEAH! Free trip to Ireland? whether you've been before or not, go. They're experiences you'll never forget! Also next time please use spell check, it was wreaking havoc on me.

  2. dont worry about not getting in to clubs, been drinkin in pubs and clubs in ireland since 15 although its easier for girls!!

    if you have alot of relatives get an id off 1 of your cousins you wont get in trouble if you are caught out, just told to be on your merry way!!

    u should def go, youll have a laugh, with or without the pub!!

    galway is great!!

  3. YES! Deffinetly go. I got invited to go to Ireland for 2 weeks and I didn't think I should do it, but it was the best experience of my life. You get to learn so much about different culture and you get to meet many different and friendly people. As for stuff to do that may be kind of tough like you said because you can not get into the Pubs. But since you are going in the Summer you can see the All-Ireland tournament in Hurling which is so much fun to watch.

  4. You'll probably get into pubs no bother and it's easier in smaller towns too. It is illegal to drink until you're 18 so they might check your id but I'd say you'll be grand.

    Ask your cousins I'd say as they'll have a better idea what the score is where they are and be able to give you tips.

  5. That sounds brilliant to me.

    I don't see what would be so bad about it.

    The People in Ireland, in my opinion are an extremely welcoming race. I think this because I have went to other countries from a young age on exchanges, holidays with college etc. and I thought no one was as hospitable as the Irish.

    Good Luck. = )

  6. Absolutely do it!! Do you even have to think about it? you'll have a blast!

  7. sounds fun, i live fairly close to galway myself, even though your not 18yet this shouldnt stop you from gettin in to a club, if your lucky and walk in with your legal cusins they might not ask you for id, i have the same problem, im not 18 so sometimes i get in and sometimes i dont, usually i do though, especially in pubs, i've never had a prolem in the pubs.

    You'll love galway city, the best place to go out by far!!!

  8. It would be an experience! why not do it ? you will regret it if you dont do it in years to come!!

    and you do have to be 18 to get let into nightclubs and to drink...but its galway - theres loads of stuff to do there!

  9. Oh for goodness sake - go to Ireland for the summer! People do other things that just go to the pub at night! It's Galway, for goodness sake!
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