
Help! should i join a sorority?!?

by  |  earlier

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I transferred to a college out of state and went through sorority recruitment and today I will find out which sorority I'm in. I'm still not sure if joining a sorority is the right thing to do and if I will join the right one. I like to party and have fun, but being in a sorority might bring the worst out of me. However, if I don't join one I'm not sure if I will be able to create a good enough social life (I don't know anyone here yet). What should i do?




  1. Well this is part of your independence, and you need to make the right decision by your self... on whether you should join the sorority or not. Which ever way you go stay focus on your school work, and maintain the good grades. Yes ofcourse still have fun, but not to the point where you wouldnt want to get back to class/ work.  

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