
Help! sick bug!?

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My little brother found a hurt lightning bug. It cant fly and he wants to try to save it even though its a bug. please no comments about saving a dumb bug. k thanks for any help you can give me.




  1. Lightening bugs are nearing the end of their life cycle by the time they are gathering to procreate, which is probably what they were doing when your little brother found this wing-less bug.  Just put it in a jar with some grass and leaves, leave a bit of moisture in there (not alot, just a drop or two on a leaf) and keep it comfy.  It will probably die in a day or two.

  2. This isn't about a bug, it is about nurturing your brother's caring and compassionate side for all living beings.  You are a good sibling.

    Put the bug in a large glass and put a dish on top or if mum will let you, one of her old pantyhose legs over the top to prevent it from leaving if it actually could.

    Keep it in a darkish place and tell your brother to talk to it and tell it that he is hoping it gets better very soon.  

    When it dies, tell him he did a very nice thing but sometimes creatures die and that is just a part of life.  Let him either bury it or flush it down the toilet and say a short prayer for it, if that is something he'd understand.

    You are good people.

  3. if it does die, maybe you could just put another one in the bug cage...

    thats really nice of u
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