
Help <span title="!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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school tommorrow what do i eat to keep my stomach from growling




  1. Are you anorexic or something?

  2. try stuff with fiber in it. so fruits and veggies

  3. yogurt&#039;s good, fruit, or just drink protein water...

  4. Eat

  5. mine growls so much in class! haha it&#039;s so embarrasing. just eat waffles

  6. ...FOOD

  7. Yogurt.

  8. ok same problem here and im going into middle school i eat this............

    some kind of fruit banana apple.....

    cereal or waffle or a toaster strudel or bagel or something

    a glass of milk or orange juice keeps you focused and on task

    well i hope this helps!!!!

    remember you can make this meal smaller to!!  

  9. anything but fast food and junk food itll not satisfy you

    eat fruits as a snack they really fill you up without adding the extra ca


    ie apples and strawberries

  10. food....but if u mean in the morning to ceap u full till lunch oatmeal is Good :)

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