
Help <span title="meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?">meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...</span>

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I just found 2 million dollars in a shopping cart, should I try to find the rightful owners?




  1. Wake up!! Are you still sleeping!!Get out of your dreams!

  2. yah, rite..but if u did who would belive u??

  3. IDIOT!!!

  4. you&#039;re kind of an idiot...

  5. yes i know its stupid but like u should find the rightful owner i mean put yourself in their place if u lost 2 big ones wouldn&#039;t you want it back? hope it helped

  6. Well, I think that the right thing to do is to mail the 2 million dollars to me...I mean 1165 Jennifer Lane, Boling Brook Illinois. That would be the right thing to do!!!!!

  7. If you actually found two million dollars in a shopping cart, which i seriously doubt, then heaven must really like you and you should keep it.... unless you think it is connected to the mob and in which case you should move far, far away.

  8. Dude why shoud anyone believe you but even if you did keep have and turn the rest in.

  9. though i seriously doubt that, NO WAY should you keep it whoever lost it would probably give you some anyways plus its wrong to STEAL.

  10. yes i am the rightful owner you stupid ho

  11. really awesome and gess what i woke up this morning and jesse marcartney was in my room

  12. huge fat azz slob huh??

    anyway, find the owner if any identifivation is enclosed. im sure he will reward you and you&#039;ll earn without doing bad things. but if there is no identification, address, name or whatsoever enclosed, you have no choice but to keep it. spend it wisely. or if you have the heart, donate some on deserving foundations.

  13. Give it all to a shrink that just might be able to help you with whatever your obviously serious issues are.

    (re: those evil little replies you like to randomly toss out.)

  14. are you being serious. if your being honest and this question is for real then hand the money over to the police, if they don&#039;t find the rightful owners of the money after a period of time then you will get to keep the money. 2 million dollers is alot to leave in a shopping trolley, keep it and you could get in a lot of trouble. for all you know it could be stolen and when the police find out you just got 2 million dollers more in your bank they&#039;ll be knocking on your door

    are you serious? this question isn&#039;t real

  15. no way!!! Keep IT!!!!

    And give me some!!!!

  16. I&#039;ll go with what the girls said before me! But seriously dude, who&#039;d be daft to leave that sorta dough lying around in a shopping cart. Are you sure you weren&#039;t watched and tracked while you were picking it up and maybe as you&#039;re reading this there&#039;s a big burly knocking at your door....Ok. If it isn&#039;t the BEST thing is to go to the Police and submit it there with an account of how you found it and let them take care of it.

    Having that kinda cash lying around the house is strictly what the Dr.has prohibited my friend

  17. there probly marked bills

  18. NOWAYYY... !!!

    you actually found 2 million dollars...

    well i think you should keep it cuz if you try to find thw owner i guess it will take alot of time and plus everyone will say yess im the owner.. who doesnt want 2 million..

    just wait for few days.. see if somebody comes to claim...

  19. OMG and I found Santa Claus in my pool yesterday! Should I let the news know? hahahhahahhahahahaha very funny.

  20. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

    give it to me instead.

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