
Help <span title="mums..............................?">mums........................</span>

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what ideas can you give me that worked for you and your husband regarding keeping your relationship healthy after having a baby. we are doing fine id just like to keep things as good as possible so your ideas would be much appreciated.

oh and if you have some stupid idea, rude comment or something smutty to say GO ELSEWHERE.




  1. make a standing date!  My parents always went out on Thursdays.  The babysitter would come watch us and they&#039;d go out for coffee or dinner, just somewhere they could be alone and enjoy each other.  

    My husband and I are having our second son in 16 days or less.  It&#039;s hard to make time for each other that isn&#039;t interrupted by the needs of our 22 month old, so it&#039;s really important for us to find &quot;adult only&quot; time.  It&#039;s also nice to be able to get out of the home setting and not have to worry about the laundry in the hamper or dishes in the sink.  

    hope it helps

  2. Just always make alone time for you and your husband. Have date night or just go out to eat. Your husband needs to feel like you still want and need him after the babies come.

  3. Be sure to always make time for eachother.  Force yourself to go on dates with just the 2 of you.  I know it is hard to imagine leaving the little one, but trust me it will be good for your relationship to do it.

  4. Keep him involved when u&#039;re doing things for your baby! Let him do it if possible..teach him if he doesn&#039;t know how to. And of course..have date nights..have time for each other (just the both of you alone)! it really helps! good luck!

  5. Babies are precious but try not to over obsess. When your baby is napping and you want to relax have some cuddle time with your husband.  If you only have the one child, climb into bed and have a sleep all cuddles up together, nothing smutty as you said, just hugs and cuddles, time for both of you alone.  Whats great is that you will probably nap too which will leave you both refreshed and in better mood.  

    Husbands need attention, well mine does, hes like a big kid!!!lol

  6. My partner and I have 3 boys right now and twin girls on the way. I am now going to be a stay at home mom, but with my previous work schedule and the kids, we rarely got alone time. I worked 12 hour days 3 or 4 days a week, sometimes up to 5 days a week, and he works 7 days a week. Just so we would have a bit of time together I started getting up with him on my days off. It would only be a half hour of time, but to have to opportunity to talk if we needed to is nice. We also do the little things together, just the time cooking dinner or folding the laundry. Even though we are busy, we can still talk.  

  7. My hubby and I stay up a few hours after the kids are in bed, just so we can have extra time alone together.  On his days off, we just hang out as a family.  If you cant find a lot of time together, try to make the time that you DO have quality time!  

    Having a baby together is really special.  It is a bond that you cant have with anyone else.  Only you two created your baby, and only you two can love it that special way.  My husband and I get so much enjoyment from being parents together.  We can see our daughter do something adorable or silly, and we just smile and share in the moment with eachother.  There is something so romantic about the bond of parenthood.  Its the type of bond and love you cant have with anyone else.  Though we have a 3 year old and an infant, our marriage is even deeper and more passionate than ever!  We have a great appreciation for eachother not just as partners, but also as parents.  Seeing how amazing my husband is as a father deepens my love for him so much.  Even if we dont have the time to go out on a date, we CAN just curl up on the couch and watch our 3 year old dance around the living room, and watch our baby smile and coo at us.  That&#039;s way more amazing than dinner and a movie!!!  

    Just enjoy the special moments together.  Appreciate the little things.  Do a little something nice for eachother every day.  Remember to kiss and hold hands =)

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