
Help <span title="please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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I keep haveing dissy spells and when i look at the compueter on at my key board the letters or lines dissappear but if i move my head the appaea and another area goes blank. Help please. I'm 15 and female if that helps




  1. This had also happened to me.The best thing that you should do is not to use the computer for a couple of days to rest your eyes.Your dizziness is cause by too much exposure to the radiation of the computer.And try using eyeglasses design to protect your eyes from computer radiation and take vitamins that contain vit A which is good for the eyes.

  2. CHILD YOUR DIEING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    jk i don&#039;t know :[

    Go take a nap.

  3. You do need to have your eyes examined as soon as you possibly can. Does this happen in both eyes? Cover one and try it, then cover the other. If it is in only one eye it could be blood from a hemorrhage obstructing your vision. That would be quite uncommon if it is both eyes.

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