
Help!! start new job tomorrow!! help cure my nerves ?!! :) URGENT

by  |  earlier

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im 17 and start a new part-time job at a local supermarket tomorrow!. i feel really nervous and have no confidence in myself for tomorrow. I know it sounds stupid but anyone please got any tips and advice to cure my nerves and give me some more confidence !. Thanks x




  1. Try some relaxing yoga breaths - breathe in through your nose for the count of 4 and breathe out through your mouth to the count of 6. Keep trying to increase the amount of time it takes to breath out (without trying too hard). You'll be amazed at how much effort it takes to concentrate just on breathing. Should take your mind off your new job for a few minutes at any rate.

    Then, stop and remember that it's just a job. It's natural to be nervous, but you need to not let it make you so nervous you can't sleep/eat, etc. You wouldn't have been hired if you weren't capable of doing it. Your employers have confidence in you, so you should too!

    Don't be afraid to make mistakes. It's your first day tomorrow and they won't expect you to know everything - you'll need to be trained first. Absolutely everyone makes mistakes until they've practised at something.

    It's a really good sign that you feel like this - it shows that you take it seriously and that you want to do well.

    Just try to be calm. Listen to music you enjoy, chat to a friend to take your mind off it, or perhaps go for a walk and get some fresh air.

    Get a good nights' sleep tonight and good luck for tomorrow!

  2. go to your local chemist and get rescue remedy and spray it on your tongue you will be fine good luck

  3. your so lucky

    YOUTH IS Confidence!

  4. Focus on the end result you want.  Everything you do and say should lead you to that result.  Take a few minutes before the interview to picture yourself with the job.  Then tell your subconscious that the picture is where you must be and that it will need to make sure you get there.  Say it a few times and let it sink in.  Then, go take what's yours.

  5. now just take a few breathes and count to 10


    yes keep it there


    you are doing well now carry on like that until you start your job.

  6. You'll be great! I remember by first job - there will be loadsa people your age that will show you around.

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