
Help sub and amp shuts off when im driving?

by  |  earlier

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i have a single 10 inch kenwood kfc-w2511 sub in a custom built ported box and i have a bmw-483 1000 watt amp runnin to my sub and my rear speakers. When i turn my switch on to let power goto my amp it will turn on but as soon as i start to drive it shuts off and wont turn back on untill it wants to. My dad says the wires are pulled to tight because my dads friend use to do car audio for a living and he did everything real tight but im startin to not think that is the reason so please help!!! any advice as to wat i could do would be real nice!!! thanks dere




  1. Sounds like you are overdriving your amp.  If I remember correctly you need to turn down your gain on your amp.

  2. either ur wired from ur subs to ur amp wrong, or that amp is junk....if u r at too low of an ohm that the amp cant handle, then ur amop will shut off in protection mode.....its not because ur wires r too

  3. If the amp is loosing power, double check all your connections, especially your ground.  If the amp stays powered, but it still cuts out, it may be too low of an impedance level for the amplifier sending it into protection.

  4. sounds like dads right,or could be a short,loose connection,or it could be that you need to turn your gain down,never know,lol.

  5. Maybe you have it wired to a fuse that turns off when you shift in drive.I think its the parking fuse.I know that DVD players for cars utilize this power so that when you start to drive,it shuts off.Safety reasons....But my point is that it may be wire to this particular point.

    You mentioned a switch?So I assuming it was wired to a power switch for the "remote" wire on the amp.

    Interesting....I would like to know how it was installed when you find out.

    If you want to test this theory...remove the wire thats on the "remote" or accessory side of the amp.There is a place for a power wire + , a Negative wire ground- and finally a remote turn on lead.Thats a total of 3 screws/points.

    Remove the remote wire and take another small piece of wire and jump it from the positive/power side to the remote side. JUST TEMPORARILY...just to see if thats the problem.If you do this the amp will stay on all the time so make sure to remove after the test.

    An easier way would be to use a electrical meter  and set it to DC volts.

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