My 10 yr old TB gelding has been having issues. His back, out of the blue monday, was in pain. We narrowed it down to a spot just back and down from the wither region on his left side. He tenses and skirts away when you put pressure. When you try to get him to trot he will whip his head around in pain after a few strides. He's not lame though. At one point when I was lunging him, he was at a steady working trot when all of a sudden he burst into a gallop. It was strange, idk if maybe a nerve ending is sending a shooting pain that is making him bolt, idk. In any case, when I took him in the barn his left hock was swollen with what feels like a liquid sack. You can move it around and its quite squishy, but he no sign of lameness.
I'm on a tight budget and I would really like to hear of some home remedies before I call the vet out. If anyone has experience with either of these things I would appreciate it.
I'm letting him have a week or two off while I go back to school, I'm hoping the time off to relax in the pasture will do wonders. If not, I'm open to suggestions of what to do then or in the meantime. Thanks :)