
Help! tenpoints to best answer I promise!?

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I'm looking to change my name for high school

Just because I'd rather go by something else.

It's going to my first year in H.S and I just registered about three months ago.

If I call my school before the start of school and ask to go by a preferred name, will it be a problem?






  1. Unless you legally change your name, they will call you by your real name for roll call. But most teachers ask kids if they have a preferred name, and then they will use it - unless it's too weird, like "Safari Princess" or "Zooby" or something.

    If this is a brand new school for you, meaning the kids there don't already know you, you can just introduce yourself by whatever name you want them to call you. But if they all know you by your old name, it's going to be hard to get them to change. If you're just going from one version of your real name to another, for example, from Kathy to Kate, it'll be a lot easier, especially if you refuse to answer to Kathy.

  2. You can't do that unless you legally change your name first.

    Some schools may allow you to be CALLED by a "preferred" name, but you can't actually change it on the records.

    So, if you are Mary Anne Smith now, Mary Anne Smith you will be! However, you can designate if you want to be called Mary or Anne, or maybe even a nickname, and usually schools will honor that informally.

  3. You can request your teachers and peers to call you by a different name, but unless it has been legally changed, your official documents will still have your real name (such as your grade report, attendance record, and final transcript).  

  4. kate if your going down the more girly highway. katie or if you are looking for a whole new name brown hair susie or clair blonde samantha you could go by sammy ,sam red hair darby. hope i helped out!

  5. it's really no problem

    I basically have two names, chantal my real one and tally my preferred name, and when teachers do roll call on the first day, tell them that you'd rather be called ______ and they'll write it down on their sheet, and that'll be your name for your teachers.

    but do make sure that you keep that name the entire year, otherwise it would be a bit too weird.

    good luck!

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