
Help!!! the biggest **** in the school is flirting with the guy I like!?

by  |  earlier

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pretty much theres this guy who i've liked for about 2 years now but since we were in different grades we havent really talked to each other but he did drop a quarter by me once and i picked it up for him. but now, this girl in my school (whose known as a huge s**t) is flirting with him, they get touchy feely and blah blah blah. oh and basically she is a prettier version of me, we kinda look a like but she is gorgeous. what should i do? flirt with her ex?




  1. yesssss.

    payback :)

    if she looks like you, make yourself look better :)~

  2. Why do you care?  It's not like you're even DATING him.  Get over it and grow a back bone and ask the guy out yourself, then start complaining if she starts hitting on him when he's your boyfriend.

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