
Help there's an evil spirit in my house?

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ok. this scared the living c**p out of me last night. i was in my bed, half assleep, it was about 1:00. all the sudden, my closet door opened and closed 3 times and i heard a loud thud. the lights turned on in my closet too, and it stopped and it was ledt open. it took me 5 minutes to get out of the bed I was so freaking scared. i had holy water in my hand and a Brown Scapular, so i felt kinda safe, and a crucifix. i went to my brothers room and woke him up and told him because he is going to be a priest and knows a lot about that kind of stuff, and he NEVER EVER gets scared, so we walked back into my room and my closet door had been closed when i left it was opened. my brother said "we gotta get outta this room and we did and i slept in his room that night. people, im a 15 year old boy this stuff scares the c**p outta me. im thinking of having a priest come bless my house. but has anyone else had this happen? i've never heard of this before. what kind of spirit does that? im so scared




  1. WOW

  2. try sleeping in your closet tonight & close the door.

    see what happends & if the spirit does anything to you.

    if it doesn't, it's nothing to worry about.

  3. LOL...

    Ahh.....Trolls these days...... :)

  4. Wow that freaky

    I read somewhere that you need to talk to the ghost

    Fearless and be strong and say "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE"

    and stuff like that.

    I heard it works

  5. It's called a thunderstorm with lots of wind that causes brown outs.

    Besides, shouldn't you be worried about your racism issues?

  6. OMG thats so freeky! it really makes you trust in God and test your faith! i think you should pray! pray, pray, pray! andd ask the Lord for help, guidence, and a sign. also thr what other people are saying, and say, (or have someone else say it cuz that is pee in your pants scary...:S) I COMMAND YOU TO LEAVE IN THE NAME OF Jesus, THE Lord, AND THE Holy Spirt! i really hope your ok, and your safe. that musta been REALLY scary! i hope whatever it is, leaves and never returns! (it probably was a demon)

    ps... it wouldnt help if you went to church, and if you arnt already, get saved by the Lord

  7. I don't believe in that stuff as nothing happened to me like that. But I recomend you to have a priest to come and bless your house. Then prey to god.

    This might help:

  8. In a very stearn loud voice repeat this three times "In the name of Jesus Christ all evil spirits leave this house."

  9. i dont really know if you have an evil spirit, if you really are serious about this. what you say happened doesnt really sound like it would be bad, i mean it could just be the door wasnt shutting properly or if you had the windows open a gust of wind comming through the window could shut the door and the immdiate stop could open it again (i've notice this happens in my hosue when our windows are open too) and the light going on and off could be a short cruit in the wireing (had this happen before too) or if that's not i maybe you do ahve a spirt that wants you attention. it all really depends on how you feel in the room, disrgard that it was 1 in the morning and that you were half asleep and that what was happening was freaking you out. Did you feel like there was a weight in the room like the air was really heavy? Do you/did you get a sinking feeling in your stomach when you're in the room? or did you feel like some one was there but no one ws, but you didnt feel exactly threatened just that you were scared of something out of the ordinary?

  10. A priest doesn't neccesarily have to do it. You can purchase anointing oil at any christian bookstore. I would suggest that you and your family pray in a main family room, then you anoint each door frame and window touching all four sides of each, while rebuking satin from  your home and inviting christ in as you do this. My father is a minister and he does this to every home that we have lived in.  And when you feel scared that their is another being in the house. Say." I rebuke you satin, in the name of God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ." over and over again. Also, understand if it is a spirit, they can move things around and make stuff happen, but if they seem to attack you then you need to let them know that you mean them no harm. Talk to them, they can understand you. Tell them that you live here now and that you mean them no harm, and that you are here in peace." Good luck, and God Bless.

  11. Okay seriously guys, this stuff does happen. It's called demons.

    As for your question, what needs to happen is you need someone with the Holy Spirit in their heart, a Christian, a Priest if you'd like, and next time this happens, they need to command the demon in Christ's name to leave the house and never return.

    The thing they fear most is Christ, the name of Christ, anything to do with Christ.

    If you are a believer, they cannot possess you, but they will try and torment you.

    What you experienced is real and very dangerous.

    God bless you. =)

  12. Who you gonna call? GHOSTS BUSTERS!

  13. anything is possible, so i believe u. pray. ask for it not to happen and ask for safety. God will always get u thru it. i would probly confront ur parents with this, and see if there is anything that could blow the door open and closed that u have in ur room. and btw, ur freakin me out! ==]]

  14. ok so i'm going to try to asnwer this again since my power went off right when i was answering this question, i have ghosts and such. ok so what you do before you start blessing like crazy is actually see if they are evil spirits not all ghosts and such are evil, first you should have a paranormal investigator or psychic check it out, and then if the y are evil or you want to get rid of them, you have the house cleansed or you can do it yourself, i know a good ritual for that, i created it myself and it works, then you can bless the house, because sometimes what we percieve as spirits is just negative energy manifesting itself. and the blessing can be ineffective especially the catholic methods. as they tend to only be temporary relief, mostly because the priests don't cleanse before they bless. yoou find out what is going on, cleanse and then bless always the method to use

  15. You shouldn't feel safe by holding holy water, scapulars, and crucifixes -- these things cannot save you. God can. You're putting your trust on material items; put your trust in the invisible God. I advise prayers to God for your peace of heart, maybe some fasting, and a lot of Bible study. Fix your mind on Jesus and you will no longer be afraid. :)


  16. Scary!!!

    Put a lock on your closet door and lock it before you go to bed.  And put holy water all over th handle

    And have a priest come bless your house, too.

  17. If you are really concerned either call a priest to come and bless your home or maybe have your brother do one since he is studying to be one. I know people ridicule, but I believe you. I have an aunt that had a similar problem.

  18. Just remember that whenever there is anything in your life that is frightening you to pray about it, since God is our advocate, our supporter.  And remind yourself that the Bible promises us that nothing can take us from Jesus' hand, meaning that, as Christians, we can never enter Satan's grasp--our souls are protected by Christ.  Satan can tempt and confuse us, but he can never have us.  I've found that really reassuring in my own life.

    Do you have any Bible verses memorized?  If you don't, it is a good habit to develop.

    For something like this, I like Psalm 23 because it reminds me of how God loves me and takes care of me, just like a shepherd takes care of his sheep.

    In other circumstances, Philippians 2:5-11 has helped me

    Talk to a priest you trust about your experience, and he will help you sort through it and will help you decide what to do.

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