
Help! there are the question about English?

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there are some nonstandard words: hafta, lemme, bursted, brung, oughta, pooped, wimp, fatso, macho, brang, setted. what's the standard English terms




  1. Hi...

    Here are the standard forms:  

    HAFTA have to

    LEMME let me

    BURSTED  burst

    BRUNG brought

    OUGHTA ought to

    POOPED pooped out, tired out

    WIMP is an acronym for weakly interacting massive particle...but also a weakly, somewhat sniveling, fearful person

    MACHO is an acronym for massive (astrophysical)

    compact halo object...but also a man who aggrandizes his masculinity, equating bravado and muscle-strength with manliness

    FATSO Full Analog Tape Simulator and Optimizer, but also a rotund, overweight person

    BRANG brought

    SETTED set or sat

  2. 1. Have to

    2. Let me

    3. Burst

    4. Brought

    5. Ought to

    6. Crapped, or Tired

    7. Coward

    8. Obese

    9. Strong, Buff

    10. See # 4 (although i have never seen it used)

    11. Sat, Placed

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