
Help theres a cow in my basement!?

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I live in santa barbera california and my house is on 5 acres of land and te people that live next door have 26 cows and it was raining last night and i felt sorry for them so i brought 3 of them in and I got 2 of them out and the other one wont leave! How do I get it out!?!?




  1. Call your neighbor and tell him to come get his cow.

  2. ahahaha omg you let a full grown cow into your house 3 of them!!!!!!!! lol get the owner to help you, and there cows there ment to be out side

  3. haha that is so stupid (and it funny that this is under horses)

    You should try to bribe it with food or get alot people around it and force it out

  4. Hahahahaha.

    Call your neighbour and pretend it broke in.!

  5. K sorry but you are lying. If you say, "the people who live next door" and then say "i live alone", obviously your lying :D

    how bout you have your 78 year old husband help you get out the cows?

    kthanks :)

  6. Bribe IT. Get the owner to help you. LOL that is funny.

  7. animal control.

    lmfao. thats cutee.

  8. I hope you are joking! You might have meant well, but messing with your neighbors livestock is illegal and dangerous.. had it been my cow you put in your basement, where it could have easily been injured, I would be extremely upset with you. If the cows were in your yard, you should have called the neighbors and let them know thier stock was running loose on your property...they would have thanked you and come and gotten them. If you opened a gate to let them into your yard and then your basement, then you could be charged with theft.

    This is one of the main reasons that farmers and ranchers hate it when "city-folk" move into thier areas...well meaning but clueless people do incredibly STUPID and DANGEROUS things like this.

    Bribe the cow out with fresh grass, apples or grain, and be very careful when you do it...a prime dairy cow is worth thousands of dollars, and you are liable for any injury to it since you put it in a dangerous situation without the owners knowledge or permission

  9. you do know cattle dont like to go down stairs.going up them is fine.but they lack coodination of going down stairs (i know this because of my high school senior prank) it will get hungry at some point so leave the door open and it will find its way out or you have just inherited a room mate.i dont know about the laws in california but around where i live that would be considered cattle theft so i would try to get it out of your house quick before the owners find out.

  10. Try and shoo it out, get, like and army of people and try and round it up :) lol might take a while but it will probably work in the end

  11. try luring it out with some grain first...if that doesnt work then

    get some people over to help you with the cow... get them to block all the "escape" exits except the one you want, and then firmly but gently make some noise/wave a rope or somesuch item to get it to move away from all of you and towards the desired exit...

    the owners will probably be the most successful people in helping you get the cow out, as they may actually know what they are doing, but dont be surprised if they decide to press charges against you for theft/criminal mischief, especially if that cow has lost weight or gotten injured... the D.A./C.A. will certainly laugh their a$$ off if they do get the case!

    i then suggest that you learn a little bit about livestock rules in your area... cattle are considered livestock and in most states are not required to have "real" shelter...

  12. Leave the door open. By now the other cows have probably gone back to the herd and this one will get lonely at some point. Especially if there's no food inside. Pile some cow goodies outside the door. If you try to push the cow out, she'll just bury her hooves and balk.

    Now, what I want to know..... how is it you only got 3 in and not the whole herd?????

  13. haha, that is funny.. Well, tempt it with food first - cows love food, it probably hasnt eaten in ages now so get some hay or some pony nuts and shake the bowl of pony nuts or show the cow some hay and then put it just outside the door.

  14. Rent a bull costume and do a s**y dance.

  15. You let three cows into your basement? LOL

    The best and easiest way would probably to just get a bucket of grain or some hay and let it follow you out then close the doorway it came in. Cows aren't known for their intelligence but sounds like this one is pretty tame and friendly.

    After it's out call your neighbor and inform him that his cattle got out and that he needs to come get them and repair his fence....I'm assuming they got out and wandered into your yard in order to have access to your basement?

  16. fire up the grill?!?!?

  17. wow this is quite a funny case...good going. jkjkjk! bribe it with some feed or something, animals will do almost anything for food (especially livestock). good luck!

  18. lol!!!!  That's about the funniest thing i've ever heard!  

    Well, if this is for real, then just shoe it out.  It will probably want to go outside - just have someone hold open the door (on the outside so they don't get trampled.  Then you can gently use a broom stick or something and tap it on the butt to encourage it to move forward.  Don't stand directly behind it as it may kick!

  19. Don't hold your breath!  Cows are very stubborn... if you have a cow prod you can 'chase' her out slowly (if you are inexperienced I do NOT recommend this!).

    Get your neighbor to try to get the cow out...

    AND DON"T LET THEM IN AGAIN.... cows are perfectly capable of standing out in the rain - just leave them be... She is probably pretty scared!

  20. Lol, make a trail of biscuits  ?

    Seriously call the neighbour round to sort it out (but don't admit that you invited it in !)

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