
Help to terminate parental rights in Oregon

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My son's father has not been in my son's life for almost two years. My son is almost 4. While we were together, he physically and verbally attacked me both in front of my son and while we were alone. He threatened to kill me and to take my son and run with him. I left my son's father 2 years ago but I want to terminate his parental rights so that he will not continue to try to hunt us down. I have been in hiding with my son fearing for our safety. I have sole custody. No one will help me and I want to file myself without an attorney. I am perfectly capable of filing these documents myself. The problem? I don't know where to start and can't find anything online to get me going. Please help!




  1. Contact Oregon Department of Human Services:

  2. I would say that your best source to find help would be a domestic violence shelter/ group, who normally has counselors on these topics. I believe they cannot act as a lawyer, but may be able to refer you to one, who has experience on the issue.  It is very important that you DO talk to someone, just as consultation, if need be.  If you fear for your safety, it is very possible that any filing will open the box, that LEGALLY he would have to be notified of any action.

    You don't want to file ANYTHING unless you have full knowledge of what the consequences might be.  If you already have sole custody and dad has no other rights like visitation, etc... you may be in a good position as it stands.  

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