
Help translating?!?

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I need help translating this recepie for spanish class please!!

Spanish Rice

*2 tbsp. oil

*1-1/2 cups rice

*2 cloves garlic

*3 cups chicken or vegetable oil

*1/3 cup fresh salsa

1) Heat oil in a saucepan. Add rice and stir until rice starts to turn a little bit white or even a bit brown. Add garlic, cook briefly, then pour in broth and salsa. Bring to a boil, then lower heat to simmer, cover pot, and cook for 25 minutes. Let sit for about 5 minutes longer off the heat before serving.

thanks in advance!!




  1. do your own homework.. how are you going to learn?

  2. Arroz Español

    *2 cucharadas de aceite

    *1-1/2 tazas arroz

    *2 dientes de ajo

    *3 tazas caldo de pollo o vegetal

    *1/3 taza salsa fresca

    1) Calentar aceite en un cazo. Añadir arroz y revolver hasta que comience a dorar. Añadir ajo y cocer brevemente, añadiendo luego el caldo y la salsa. Hervir, luego reducir el fuego, tapar y cocinar durante 25 minutos. Retirar del fuego y dejar reposar 5 minutos antes de servir.


    this should do it for you
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