
Help! unhappy nanny?

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I am extremely unhappy being a nanny for the family I am with. I have committed verbally to working for 2 years for them and it is nearing the end of my first year (actually my 2nd) but I committed to 2 years after i finished my first, so 3 all together. I feel like at the time i was given an ultimatum, even though it was never said that way. I want to stay true to my word, but i am miserable. I am 26 and need to finish school, Just got married a year ago and I am thinking about kids. I feel trapped, like I have to put everything on hold just because this family doesn't want to find someone else.




  1. 26 and your a nanny<< you need to go out and live your life & have your own kids

    just tell them that you have your own life to live and they should understand...who wants to be held back like that

  2. WOW!  I use to be a nanny and I understand that it's a very personal job, but it's still just a job.  You are entitled to quit your job for any reason at any time!  It is your right!!  They will be just fine without you, give your 2 weeks notice, give 1 month if you want to be really generous, they will find someone else.  The thing I learned about being a nanny is that they expect total loyalty from you, but give none in return.  Their kid could get mad at you for saying no to something and turn around and tell mommy and daddy that he doesn't like you, and they could fire you the next day!  I was once with a family for 3 months and they fired me b/c I wouldn't take their kid to swimming class (where I had to be in the pool as well) when I had my period!  I knew a nanny who worked for this super healthy family and the mom came home early 1 day and found her eating a bag of chips while the kids were having their nap.  She fired her on the spot, saying she was setting a bad example for the kids.

    Don't live your life for them, do what you know is going to get you farther in life.  

  3. If you're that unhappy then you need to do what's best for you. Tell the family that while you've enjoyed working with them you can no longer nanny for their children as your life is taking a different direction. Its not your fault that they don't want find another nanny. Give them 3 months notice (time to at least put out an ad and set up some interviews). This also gives you time to find another job (if you want).

    You should never put your life on hold for someone else (especially for your job).

  4. talk to the family explain the situtation tell them how how your life is starting and you dont feel as if the children will give the love and attention of the nanny a year ago

  5. if your need to be up front about it...I would not want someone watching my children who really didn't wanna be just fess up and let them deal with...stuff happens..blessings to you!

  6. You could f**t a lot. Yes, do that f**t a lot. Then they will think you are smelly and turn you away. Then you win and they get rid of the foul smelly nanny. It's the perfect scheme.  

  7. Hey, I was a nanny several years go and I know first hand it is a very tough but rewarding job. If you are unhappy there just explain to them you need a change and want to move on with your own life. You have that right. A verbal contract is just that. Nothing legally binding here. Your educcation is more important and it should be your first priority. Do it for yourself cause you are #1. I'm sure you will miss the kids,your probably became very attatched, understandable. Give them 2 weeks notice at least, that's fair. I wish you well, please dont't feel guilty O.K.?  It's your time to shine!

  8. Not liking the job anymore, It's the hardest thing to admit to when you are a nanny due to the human nature of the job, i know i've been there but you know what they will find a new girl in no time. Start organising your return to school, then you will have to find evening or weekend work or your husband will have to support you. Give the family as much notice as you can just tell them what you want to tell them, it is time to look after and start your own family now. Go on get up the nerve tell them you have enjoyed your time with them but that now your own priorities must come first. They have no choice but to accept that, they cant suddenly turn on you after 2 years consistent good work! I know you feel a little guilty over the 3 year thing but as long as no contracts were signed you are free to leave. If you are paid weekly you are legally allowed to leave with 1 weeks notice but you might afford them longer it is difficult and time consuming to find a new nanny but hey that's not your problem, give them what ever notice you can and walk out of there knowing you did a good job. I left as family after 9 years working with them but I got a brilliant job after and went to college to get a degree. I stayed too long! Dont make the same mistake! Best of luck I hope everything goes great for you.  

  9. It seems you have left out a lot of important details such as why you would be 'trapped' in a job.  Write down all the things that are making you unhappy and a possible solution.  Then have a discussion with the family to resolve the 3 main ones.  No one is happy with everything in their job, but if a solution cannot be reached, inform them that you are hereby giving them 3 months notice to find a replacement.
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