
Help upper lip wax problem <span title="HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!">HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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omg help

i waxed my upper lip and i then fond out that it grows back thicker and darker i thought that happens only for shaving and i already waxed my upper lip and i wuz 2 late. i heard that i should just pluck my hairs but will the same thing happen will it start to be thicker and darker too. omg plez help me im like 15 now and i cant go to school with dark hair mustache. someone told me that plucking hurts more then wax aand if so im scared, the wax just had a sting of pain then went away after bout 30 seconds. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1




  1. You should try &quot;Clean + Easy hair removal cream&quot; can buy it at Sally&#039;s Beauty Supply and its like $ really works, it removes unwanted hair and it leaves your skin super soft plus the hair doesn&#039;t  grow back super black and thick...and after using it some while your hair will grow back thiner and the begining it may sting and leave the skin red but its normal, it will go away in a couple of minutes(just like waxing)...just buy the one that says delicate skin formula, even if you dont have sensative skin...hope this helps!!

  2. you probably did it wrong. you probably ripped the hair off and didnt remove it from the roots.

  3. plucking the hairs does hurt more than waxing, since you have to do each hair individually, but it gets the hairs from the roots, which mean it takes longer for the nasty hairs to grow back. So if you can take the extra pain, I would reccommend you pluck the hairs because it will give you more time, so you are not constantly just taking care of your upper lip

  4. shaving doesnt make it grow back darker, and neither does waxing!

    It just seems to be darker because of the angle! Shaving just makes stubble.

    I have seen ladys with these blonde mustaches, and they think we dont notice what she did! She looks rediculous! ESPECIALLY if they are tan. And some teens, and young women, i can tell they bleached it.

    From a boys perspective, BLEACHING ALONE DOES NOT HELP! It attracts as much attention, AND we all can tell what you did.

    Most of my friends are girls, and one has a BAD upper lip[ hair problem. Because of that, I know what works best.

    She looks as if she doesnt have a problem at all! (just keep up on it!):

    Pluck the large hairs out with tweezers (yes, its more painful, but where the bigger ones are, it doesnt hurt as much, if you must, there are pain relievers) .you are left with mediums and smalls. Depending on how far you are willing to go, you may want to pluck the medium sized ones too, From there, you can use either &quot;Nair&quot;, Bleach, or an electric razor for men that is specially made to cut below skin level. Even the good girl ones dont work well for that. But if you will shave the small ones, use electronic, not the standard ones! Nair will not give you stubble, but i know nair is tricky! Get it on the sides too much, or leave it on too long, and it will leave a very noticable red mark, and it will irritatate you SO MUCH! And even if it doesnt leave a red mark, it will still irritate you. NOT TO MENTION, Nair smells TERRIBLE!!!! When my friend did it, the bathroom smelled really weird and bad, imagine that under your nose!!!!!! When i was younger and not ready for shaving yet, i tried nair for a while, and i also got red marks if i went too far over, and even if there werent any, it still irritated me (the red didnt clear up easily either and the smell stuck to my lip for a while) I found the special, yet expensive electronic razors worked WAY better, leaving less behind than nair did, and  it didnt irritate, or hurt, or leave any marks at all. (but if you let it grow out too long, you will have stubble)

    A faster, less painful, longer lasting alternative to tweezers is Tweasy. My friend used it, and it didnt grow back for weeks. It took less time than tweezers AND waxing, and was less painful than both (or so she raved)

    If you dont let the large hairs build up on you (you do it every couple days) then it wont hurt as much when you do it!

    The only problems with the bleaching is, one, you need to pluck enough off, two, you need to keep bleaching every few days so no one notices the dark roots. Also, the constant bleaching will leave your upper lip dry and damaged (however, that may also make the hair less thick)

  5. Blech the hair, if you can&#039;t remove the hairs right away!

    But, use a hair removing cream, it doesn&#039;t make the grow back darker.

  6. Use Nair Upper Lip Cream

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