
Help urgent sow after birth

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hi there

my sow gave birth this morning and now she wont stop biting her bottom and she has pulled bit big bit of hair out and made it all raw?? she keeps chewing at it? what is she doing?





  1. None of my nursing sows have ever done this.

    Have you checked her for lice or mites?

  2. dont worry she is just making a nest just put alote of bedding

  3. one of my piggies did that i just put olive oil on it and put flea spray on it and it was ok if you are really worried seek vet help

  4. Are you sure she has delivered all her pups and there is not one still inside her? Did she pass a placenta after each pup? If she has a retained placenta or stillborn undelivered pup, it could be fatal.

    You should be able to palpate her sides to determine the presence of an undelivered pup. A placenta will be impossible to determine, since its only the size of a quarter. I would watch her very, very carefully or take her to an exotics vet.

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