
Help veggie Q?

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hey i was jw, do u see like asda it says we dont test our products on animals does that mean only asda owns? or EVERYTHING in the asda store?




  1. I would assume that this statement was meant only for the products which asda make, asda brand etc. NOT for all the products in the store because all of the products are made by different companies who's animal testing rules may be different.




  2. That definitely only applies to their own-brand products. Asda sells thousands of products which are tested on animals. Even their own brand products, while not directly tested on animals, could and probably do have ingredients which are or have recently been tested on animals.

    If you want to be sure that something is vegan friendly then look out for the BUAV anti-vivisection symbol... a leaping rabbit. This means that the products haven't been tested on animals and have a fixed cut-off date 1988 they use to determine whether the ingredients are vegan friendly.
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