
Help: veggie whopper or subway veggie sub?

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I can't decide! I have been a vegetarian fully for about a week, and I stay hungry so I want the most protein I can have to last me thru the rest of the day!




  1. subway.  even the veggie burger is bad for you at burgerking.  at subway, get extra tomatoes and cucumbers, and get every veggie possible!!

  2. subway

    there u hve a wider selection of veggies and bread and you can do more stuff to it like add a specific cheese or sauce and u can toast it

  3. no offense, but neither.  there is a new report out that states that restaurants are lying about the nutritional content of their food.  Also, you may not remember the McDonald's fiasco - making the fries with meat based oil (something to that affect).  my brother and his wife are vegetarians but my sister in loved mcdonald's fries.  boy was she surprised.

  4. I'd go to Subway. There are much fresher ingredients as far as the veggies are concerned.

    I know that BK claims that they cook the veggie burgers in the microwave, but they very well might slap those puppies on the grill next to the burgers. If you're concerned about cross-contamination, that might not be your best bet.

    Your hunger will subside, believe me. It's only been a week. Give your body some time to adjust to your new diet and lifestyle. It will come around. Just make sure you are eating a well-balanced diet - beans, legumes, fruit, veggies and whole grains. Stay away from the junk food and processed sweets - they only make you feel full for a little while and you crash shortly thereafter.

    Snack on these instead: bananas, apples, baby carrots, green bell pepper slices, berries, nuts (like a handful of almonds, cashews or walnuts - preferably unsalted), rice cakes, peanut butter & celery, etc. The great thing about those foods is that they are good for you and (besides the nuts) you can eat them in large quantities and not have to worry about eating too many calories or ingesting too much fat.

    Good luck!

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