
Help...volleyball cheers?

by  |  earlier

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does anyone know any good volleyball cheers?




  1. no.

  2. Corny but fun:

    Leader: My name is ____ and you know what I got?!

    Everyone: What do you got?

    Leader: I got a team thats hotter than hot!

    Everyone: How hott it hott?

    Leader: Bumps seeetts and aces too

    uhuh uhuh

    Were gonna beat the woopsies out of you /or/ Were gonna do the best that we can do

    Everyone: Alright okay

    or, in warmups you can do

    Sarah, sarah are you ready?


    Sarah Sarah are you ready

    Oh Yeah!

    Sarah Sarah are you ready

    yup, yup!

    Sarah Sarah lets go *clap clap*

  3. Well if its a girls team - C'mon girls spike that ball (clap twice) Bump it(clap)Set it(clap)get it over that net go (what ever team you are)

    Boy's- Boys we got the power lets use it bump,set, spike get the ball over we know you can do it

    co-ed: c'mon team lets use our spirit(clap 3 times) so lets get to it we can do it bump set spike c'mon we CAN DO IT!!!  

  4. my team was the hornets. these are a few of our cheers:

    Who are we, we're the hornets

    we come to, play some volleyball

    buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz (etc)


    Ace Ace In your face


    SHank what ya momma gave ya

    To the window, to the wall, to the wall,

    we saw you shank that ball


    Out of the box (clap clap) out of the box (clap clap) out of the box. yeah!

  5. OH MAN!!! I remember the days of cheering in volleyball(my high school coaches don't allow it during practice and warm-ups{for the most part}, but we can cheer going to tournaments!!!)

    But some of our cheers that we did and are still doing are:

    1.) Leader - Whose Gonna Go Gonna Go Gonna Go

    Team - We're Gonna Go Gonna Go Gonna Go

    Leader - Whose Gonna Fight Gonna Fight Gonna Fight

    Team - We're Gonna Fight Gonna Fight Gonna Fight

    Leader - Whose Gonna Win Gonna Win Gonna Win

    Team - We're Gonna Win Gonna Win Gonna Win

    Leader - Whose Gonna Go

    Team We're Gonna Go

    Leader - Whose gonna Fight

    Team - We're gonna Fight

    Leader - Whose Gonna Win

    Team - We're gonna Win

    Leader - Everywhere we go

    Team - Everywhere we go

    Leader - People wanna know

    Team - People wanna know

    Leader - Who we are

    Team - Who we are

    Leader - So we tell them

    Team - So we tell them

    Leader -  We are the (school mascot){my school was tigers}

    Team - We are the (school mascot)

    Leader - Mighty Mighty (school mascot)

    Team - Mighty Mighty (school mascot)

    2.) Leader -  Extra Extra Read All about it( towns name) is gonna win and we're gonna shout it

    Everybody - (town Name's) gonna win (town Name's) gonna win

    3.) Leader - Hey (players name) What's your number? Hey (players name) What's your number?

    Whoever they shouted out - Number (what their number is) Number(what their number is)Number Number Number (what their number is)

    4.) There was a little Froggy who sat upon a log, He ruited(sp?) for the other team he had no sense at all, He fell into the water and then he got all wet and when he came back up again this is what he said Go Go Go Go you mighty (mascot's name) Fight Fight Fight Fight you mighty(mascot's name) Win Win Win Win you mighty(mascot's name) Go Fight Win until the very end(and we made a little noise at the end)

    5.)THIS WAS MY FAVORITE(it got EVERYBODY ready of the game{we did it in the locker room before run-out})

    R-O-W-D-I-E THATS THE WAY WE SPELL ROWDY LETS GET ROWDY GETTIN ROWDY.... we would do that like 10 times and gradually get louder and then we got in a circle and then one some games we said the lord's prayer(not saying you have to do that{my team was all christians so that is what we did!}) or we just got each other hyped up then we got in line for our run-out and did that

    Hope that Helped you! If you want some more just let me know and i will try to help as much as i can!!!

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