
Help w/ 350 engine!!

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I had just rebuilt my 81 GMC 350. It runs and idles fine, the 1st time I took it out it was fine. Went and parked it, then took it another time around, when I would engage the clutch or stop at a stop sign it would die. ( idle speed is set correctly). Could anyone give me any advice on why it's doing this?




  1. Well, if it dies when you push in the clutch, it's not able to idle, so you might try messing with the idle s***w to see if you get it to keep running. The first time around, the choke could have been bumping the idles speed up because the motor was cold.

    If you can get it to idle, but it misses or seems to run rough, look for vacuum leaks.  

  2. Check all of your vacuum lines

  3. did you put in a new fuel filter did it sit for a long time replace the fuel... sounds like it not getting fuel right and if it sat for a while could be bad gas
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