
Help w/ marketing project!?

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for DECA (a nationwide business competition) we have to pick a struggling company and develop ways to increase and mantain sales/

what company should we choose?




  1. One company that is struggling currently, and has also been getting a lot of press is Starbucks. Because the company was so aggressive with opening stores recently, it is now experiencing over saturation in the market, and profit growth is shrinking. As a result, Starbucks is closing hundreds of stores across the nation, and watching it's stock crumble. This would be a case that is easy to gather information on and since it is such a recognizable brand, it would also interest students.


  2. I would go with GM... you can't lose with a blue-chip stock... unless it's GM. LOL.

    I understand they're giving away hummers with every tank of gas these days.

  3. Any of the depressed markets like auto or textile industries.

  4. I'd pick Ford Motor Company. The F150 has been the best selling vehicle in the world, until now. Oil prices are changing everything. It would give your team a chance to "think green."

    Scott from...

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