
Help w/ my t.v. converter box?

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I have two t.v.'s and they are about 7 years old and i have remote controls for both and use antennas because i don't have cable and so i bought 2 converter boxes and read the instuctions and tried to install it and it keeps coming up "no signal" do i even need these converter boxes? Help!!!




  1. You will need the converters after 2/17/09, so it's a good idea to figure out what the problem is now rather than waiting till then.

    To start with, are you getting your TV signals from major stations or through translator stations? Major stations should already transmitting digital signals. Translator stations may not.

    If you enter your location at the web site below, you can find out how close you are from the nearest digital stations. Make note of the "real" channel # for each of the digital station. (Unlike analog TV channels, the channel number for digital channels is just a name. It is actually transmitted on another previously unused channel. That would be the "real" channel on the web site.

    Check the obvious things: Is your antenna connected to the antenna in on the converter (and not the RF output).

    Adjust the antenna for the best analog signal before having the converter scan for channels. Digital tuners are particularly susceptible to the kind of conditions that cause ghosting/horizontal smearing of analog TV signals.  

    Assuming that there are signals to pick up, consider how good your analog TV reception is with the same antenna.

    If your analog reception is marginal, you will probably need  better antennas.

    Some converter models let you enter the "real" digital channel number. This is handy for trying to adjust your antenna. You enter the "real" channel number and then adjust the antenna hunting for the best signal quality.

    If you bought identical converters from the same shipment, it's possible that both are defective. There is no easy test for this except to have someone that already gets good digital reception to try the converter at their location.

    If you still have problems, you might ask a question that includes the converter model that you have, zip code, distance from transmitters, antennas you have used and how good your analog TV reception is with them.

  2. Well if you do not have cable you will need a digital converter box per Now this site: will also give you a coupon good for up to $40 for your tv. Have a friend sign up for the other one. Hope that helps!

  3. this is often caused by weak or poor signal, i would first try to adjust the antenna, if that doesn't work, you may need a booster, which you can get at radio shack for approx $30

  4. same thing happened to me.  turn your antennas until you get some signal.  if you turn it every way possible,get a smart antenna.

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