
Help....weird eye problem!?

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Im 23 years old and for as long as i can remember i have had this problem with my eyes which is really hard to describe; which is the reason why i have never even attempted to describe it to my doctor, so im hoping that someone will be able to help me find out what it is!Whenever i look at helicoptor blades on tv, or if im driving past trees or bushes that have jagged edges or looking at a cactus, my eyes really hurt....thats the best way i can describe it, its like behind my eyeball!the pain isnt sharp, its like a dull irritation and once its been set off, everything that i look at hurts my eyes, even when i close them it wont go away!i go through periods of getting this really bad, then other times i dont suffer with it at all. My dad has it to, sometimes we think were the only people who have it because when we describe it to people they laugh and dont believe us.....hopefully someone can help!sorry i cant describe it any better!




  1. Wow me too I was about to post this question but found this.

    I have recently been to my optitian who has given me glasses and has said that for most of my life I have had a difficulty concentrating with my eyes I only need them for reading using the pc etc but apparently When I look at something that I need to concentrate on it strains my eyes putting extra pressure on the back of my eyes leading to an irritant feeling in the back of my eyes.

    check it out at your optitians. you can get a free check up any time you like :)

    good luck

  2. well im not sure why but it seems you have a sensitivety to sharp objects when u look at them you might need to wear glasses because thats what was wrong with me put a cold wet rag on your fore head and lay down when you have an attack

  3. I had a similar problem when I was a kid. Sadly it turned out that I needed spectacles. I think it would be best if you went to get an eye test, just to be on the safe side of things.

    I wish you the best of luck in what you decide to do.

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