
Help?! what's wrong with my dog?

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I have a 12 year old border collie. He has arthritis and doesn't really run around like he used to. I give him a baby asprin for the pain and it usually works pretty good. Today though, he has been acting really strange. All day he just slept mostly...that was normal. But earlier tonight he started getting restless. Now every 15 minutes he'll start walking around the house really fast and then find a new place to sleep.

I went to sit with him and pet him. But he just lays there...he doesn't l**k my hand like he usually does or start kicking me so that i'll pet him more.

What's wrong with him?

Should i even be this normal behavior for an older dog?




  1. my dog is 15 and he acts weird like that every now an then, he may just be constipated and moving around to settle his tummy, id recomend waiting it out a day and see if anything changes.

  2. Definitley does not sound normal.  Call a vet asap.  

  3. hmm.. im not sure!

    that sound kinda odd to me.

    i would try taking him to a vet... just to make sure!

    its better to be safe than sorry.... just take him and get him checked out! good luck hun! (:

    i hope i helped

  4. I know it's hard to see your friend suffer like this. Take heart in the possibility that this could mean that his suffering may soon be over. That's most likely the LAST thing you want to hear right now.

    Get him to a vet ASAP to get him looked at, and in the meantime, be by his side every second if you can. Even if he will be okay, you are his rock and, responding to you or not, he needs you. Let him how how much you love him. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.

  5. It sounds like he's uncomfortable.  Take him outside to do his business and sniff around, bring him in and see if it continues.  If so, I'd go to the vet tomorrow.

    Don't give ibuprofen

    Ibuprofen (Nuprin, Motrin, Advil): Ibuprofen is very toxic and fatal to dogs at low doses such as 1 human tablet. Only aspirin is safe for dogs, and buffered aspirin or ascriptin is preferred to minimize stomach upset. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen when prescribed under the direction of a veterinarian for dogs is in minuscule dosages (Acetaminophen at 15 mg/kg and Ibuprofen at 10 mg/kg to avoid liver and kidney damage. For more information follow this think to a study on dogs and ibuprofen.

  6. At his age, could be a telltale sign that, sadly, the end may be near. Take him to the vet and get him a good health check-up, so you can be more heads up about his condition. You'll be glad you did!

  7. he sounds un comfortable, maybe a belly ache or something not right..he moves away from he pain that's the pacing..Does everything else seem okay? Is he staring off or anything weird? has he eaten and drank normally? Bowel movements same? If all that's in place you can maybe think he should be okay..If not in a day think about having him checked out I know he is older but something is just not right maybe..Best to you and your dog..mine is 16+ and I will loose him soon and I worry all the time!

  8. hes prolly just not feeling well try giving him fresh water or puting him in the fan this will make him feel a lil better

  9. Unless your vet recommended you to give your pet baby aspirin, you should be extremely careful. OTC medications for human consumption may not be good for our beloved pets.

    With that said, it sounds as if there is something more going on with him and you may want to consult the Vet about it. He may be in a lot more pain and unable to get comfortable, hence the restlessness. If he is in pain, it may not be from the arthritis and could be coming from something else.

    90% of the time when a pet stops doing the usual things, it's not a good sign. Please see a vet as soon as you can. I hope he'll be ok.

  10. Please speak with a vet about this.

    No one on here will be able to tell you exactly what is going on.  

  11. I wouldn't worry yet..If he does this for 2-3 days tell your mom or go to a vet or maybe even look online at pro info for that.  Some days they just want to chill and not even play so they want to get rest.  then they kick you.  Even my PUPPY does that!  and for an older dog i believe it probably wouldnt be very likely.  i hope he's alright!  :]

  12. my dog is 14 and she does that and she has arthritis too. some days she won't hardly move out of one spot and other days she walks around alot i give her childrens motrin it actually works alot better on her than metacam or anything else i got from the vet and they said it was o.k. to give it to her since she doesn't get diarhea from it.  

  13. it souns like old aurthur is getting to him, was it rainy today? the weather changing makes it worst and i bet with his restlessness hes hurting and trying to get comfortable. dogs dont like to show theyre pain. you may take to vet to see about some pain medicine for his cond

  14. Sounds like he is having some breakthrough pain.  You might want to consult with your vet about using something a little more effective than aspirin.  You might want to give you vet a call tomorrow.  Do not give anything else without consulting your vet.

  15. umm your probably gonna need to go to and er for pets and check him sorry about your dog :[

  16. i am not sure if you think that something is wrong them you should trust your instincts and take him to the vet.

  17. Well, my 10 year old german shepherd had arthritis in both of her hind legs and my vet told me that when she begins to pace and move from one spot to another it is because she is in pain.  My dog was on pain medication for the arthritis as well as supplements to help with her mobility.  You really should take her to the vet so he can give you something to help her with the pain.  Unfortunately it will only get worse, and she will get to the point where she won't be able to get up or down very easily.  It is a horrible disease to watch  your dog go through but you can give her medication to help with the pain.

  18. you already sound worried , so please go an see a vet.


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