
Help! what am i supposed to do with my lifeeeee ?!?

by Guest63090  |  earlier

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so im going into grade 12 but im 6 credits behind and im in all grade 11 classes but im taking a grade 12 class to get ahead in nightschool.

the reason why im so behind is because of family problems, dad is an alcholic, we lost our business...we're in debt... im the oldest of 5 the way im 17. and so i thought to help me pass my classes this year.. i could get a tutor. and when i told my mom she just started yelling at me so hard how we dont have money right now and how are we supposed to pay for the tutor which is $35/hour ..and i really want to be a pediatrician.. the only thing standing in my way is my family. my mom was telling me how i should be able to want to drop out of school to work for the family......... what the h**l ?! I have many friends at school and people think i have a great life and i hide everything with a smile but they dont know whats behind it. Also im sort of quiet in my classes im not a very talkative person, people talk to me but i just quiet down and thats also whats been affecting my grades, i dont participate in class as much ..

what do i do ?! no one cares if im in school or not .. and if i wasnt here.. it wouldnt make a difference to anyone.




  1. wow!  omg! ur story is kinda similar to mines...only im n college and my parents r pushing me sooo hard 2 stay n school, but im so off track b/c of other things in my life...

    anyways...all i can tell u is pray. i dnt know if ur a religious person, but that is the only way i get thru my trials and tribulations. is to pray, and really mean it! and juss beleive in u.  

  2. wooow

    stay in school stop talking to people

    focus only on studies

  3. Heres what i think. First off having family problems isnt really an excuse for doing that badly in school and you cant really blame it on that. Focus and get your credits and your work done and graduate from high school. Your obviously not going to get into college so go to a community college.

    If your family has no money get a job while going to school as community college is cheap enough that with a part tiem job you can pay for it yourself. Go for two years then after u graduate from that you should be able to transfer into a real college or university so long as you did atleast ok but doing well is perferable.

    Go into a carrer that is in high demand as it would be harder to get into a more competitive industry without having graduated from a better college or university. Get student loans to pay for your college/university education or if you really wanted to you could look into various options with joining hte army and having them pay for your tuition if you dont want to be in debt when you graduate.

    With loans ya your in debt but you will have a degree adn a chance at a decent job so you should be able to pay. As far as your family they would be usefull as far as living with them during comunity college to save money and of course there probabbly is a community college close to home.

    After you graduate from the real college/univsersity you may want to cut ties with them, having alchoholics and such in your life is not what anyone needs, speaking of which seeing as your dad is an alchoholic you should not take up drinking, its not like drinking has ever helped anyoen to begin with. So anyways hopefully at the end of this you should have a degree in a high demand field from a real college/university, high demand is more important than pay as having a decent job is the most important thing of all.

    Get your carrear going and pay off your college debts and you should be fine and again you shouldnt drink if there is a history of alchoholism in your family, it will ruin your life and everythign you work for if you become an alchoholic. Again do what you want concerning a relationship with your family after you get your degree but in the end from what i hear about them they will only drag you down with them as bad as it sounds. Getting a decent degree and carear is all possible if you put in the tiem and effort to do it and block out distractions.

  4. Why don't you get your GED and jump straight into college. Apply for financial aid that way you will be able to pay for your studies and maybe help to pay the bills. You can also live in college in a dorm and get away from that situation with your family. Your father is the one responsible for the family not you. Think about it and take school serious. Its the best thing that you can achieve in your life.

  5. You could get your GED, thats what I did because I have most of the same problems as you. Plus if you have your GED you can get a job, its like the same as having a high school diploma. Or go to an alternative school to make up credits (most alt schools work faster so you can get 2 years worth of credits in only one year.)

  6. You really shouldnt put yourself down like that. Trust me, I really do admire you, for being such a go-getter, and being determined to achieve your dream of being a pedritician. You seem like a redally smart person, and you should not give up. Your mom and the rest of your family are going through a really tough time right now...thats probably why she's telling you, to drop out of school and help the family. Dont listen to her. Sure, you're family is important....But, right now, you need to put your education first, and continue going to school. Once you become a pedititrican, you'll start working, and making money, and soon, you can help your family pay off debts...and EVERYONE will be happy. It'll just take some time. Honestly, I think paying $35 an hour for a tutor is WAY too expensive, and right now, youre fmaily doesnt afford that...So instead of the tutoring, maybe you sholuld stay up late at night and study, or have a friend come over, and you two can have an all nigt study session. If you  really put your mind to it, youll achive anything you want to...believe me. Everyone goes through a roiugh time...and youre family is going through one...right now...just give it some time...I hope my adivce helped =)

  7. Talk to your school counselor.  Stay in school and keep your grades up even if it means going another semester or year.  It's all about the grades.  You will need to get into undergrad school before thinking about being a pediatrician and THAT is what grades graduates school will be most concerned about.  It's important to have patience with it and not get by with the lowest passing grade just to be in line with the rest of your class.  Also your counselor may have an idea for a tutor or a teacher may volunteer.  

  8. You could also look into free tutoring opportunities at your school.  A lot of schools have peer tutors or teachers who will help you after school.  There are also lots of on-line tutors.. check out this website:

    You might also want to talk to a counselor at your school.  They can give you more information about getting your GED.  If you choose that path, I would suggest starting college classes in the spring.  It seems like, if you stop going to school now to work for your family, you might never go back.  Don't let other people stand in the way of your dreams!  You can still work part-time while you're in school, but your parents shouldn't expect you to drop out.  It's hard enough to find a good job with a bachelor's degree, let alone a high school diploma!

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