
Help! what did i do wrong? how to have an OBE!

by  |  earlier

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can i reach the state of mind or the altered state of conciousness that i need to be in to have an OBE just by doing those meditations??? how do i start??? how do i shift my state of consiousness? I know that is a complicated question but i don't know how. I aslo don't expect it to be instant originally but after a long day of listening to binaural beats and meditating, i tried to have an OBE and for the first time i felt the vibrations in my toes!!! but i got so excited that it went away. what do i do to get back there and what should i do next? what did i do right? i tried it again and again but it hasn't worked. please help!!!




  1. astral practice before sleep.picture yourself floating up and then think of anything else. you should feel a snap. it means its working.

    if you fall asleep before your finished you will feel your astral snap back into the body.

    but its in the morning we get results,set your alarm early and lay around and see what happens after you practice for a while..

    good luck.

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