
Help what do i do if my boyfriend cant stay hard

by  |  earlier

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my boyfriend and i have intercorse and he finishes and then we go to do something else and he cant get hard, he can only stay hard for a little, why?




  1. Have you ever heard of a refractory period? This is the time that males need to produce more s***n. We are not machines, despite what you think. We don't have an endless supply of s***n, we have to make it. It is the s***n that causes tension, which gives us erections. So when we release our s***n, we release the tension and no more erection. It usually takes anywhere from 5-20 mins for the guy to be up and ready again. So while you are waiting, just calm down and relax.

  2. Well most guys need a little time in between erections to recouperate. They aren't like girls who can just keep going without stopping. After he finishes the first time, have him concentrate on touching you and pleasing you in other ways for 30 minutes and then try having s*x agian. He may need even longer in between, it all just depends on the guy.

    I hope this answers your question. Good luck :)

  3. men naturally lose their erection after ejaculation. men are not meant to keep their erection. the only thing you can do is be a s**y as you can and hope he stays horny.

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  5. Yeah, you just have to wait. For some guys the time before they can have another erection after ejaculation is longer, like his.

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