
Help what do i do with this check?

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ok so i am very very very broke , my cousin who lives in florida sent me a check via mail , its from chase bank. I think she must of written it with one of those pens that bleed cause the check looks kinda mess, like the ink smudged. but its clear it says my name on it , well anyways i went to the bank to cash it and they do not want to cash it because of the ink . i do not know what to do , i am soo hungry . so are my kids we have no money , what can i do ??

i have no bank account , and i don't know anyone that does either




  1. Guest21353

     I am ROSE SMITH from CANADA  a single parent, before my husband died he left us with so much DEBT that we could not cope with life, I was totally confused on what to do. When I was going through the internet I came across a POST by MARCUS CAFE about how Mrs JULIA NAVARO help him to get a loan so I applied for the loan from JULIA NAVARO through her mail ( of $200,000 with a duration of 10 years. When I was applying for the loan I made a vow to GOD that if I get the loan I will let the world know what she did for me, to my greatest surprise my loan was granted with

    an interest of 2%. I was able to settle my debt and start up a new life and business with a settled family. So if you want any type of loan for as low as 2% please contact JULIA NAVARO on her mail just fulfilled my vow.

  2. You can try a check cashing place that will take about 5%, or mail the check back and ask for a replacement because the check is now in such bad condition that the bank will no longer accept it.  Within a week, you should have a new check back from your cousin.

  3. Have your cousin send money via western union.

  4. ASk your cousin to Western Union the funds to you.

  5. Look up local check cashing place in your area. They'll cash it but charge usually %5

  6. call your cousin back let her send a check if u really need help

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