
Help! what do you do when.....?

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your trying to submit a poem and you run out of CHARACTERS two lines short of the poems completion?




  1. you can put the rest in additional details

  2. you might have to go back over the poem and compress words.

    i.e. are not into aren't.

    thats probably the best you can do.

    good luck

  3. Reminds me of something a Teaching Assistant told me when I was in college which I translate thus: 'Poetry is the smallest unit of language into which the greatest quality and quantity of inter-relatedness of like and unlike things can be compressed.' In one sense, therefore, it is linguistically going back to that moment before the so-called "big bang" when all matter of the entire universe was supposedly compressed into one infintesimally tiny "dot." From that "dot"--that poem--an entire universe should explode in the reader/hearer's mind.

    If that is reasonable--and I think it is--then look at your poem and remove what is unnecessary so that only those words and punctuations that actually convey the meanings you wish to convey remain. It is not condensing: It is rather pruning your roses, or shrubery, or tree but without ever seeing the growth that will follow as it blooms or branches out into the reader/hearer's thoughts.

  4. Settle petal sleep on it. Or Contact the Silent Pen.

  5. Add it to the details. That can be really annoying.

    Edit: Yeah, what TD said.


  7. without sounding to clique, you can comprese some words, or maybe delete a line or two that may not be needed to get your point across, poetry is an art, not a bunch of words on a paper, the challenge is getting across your feeling or message with as few lines as possible without it sounding childish. i hope i helped. good luck

  8. Put the last stanza in as "Additional Details." If you do it fast enough, you will make it before the poem hits the board.

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