
Help...what does this mean?

by  |  earlier

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wat does it mean when two guys are whispering about u as soon as u come around? like they're suspicious and know something?




  1. They could be talking or gossiping about you. How do you know their talking about you? Next time it happens, I would just walk up to them and ask them why are they talking about me or what's their problem. They seem to be caddy men which disgust's me. It could be something good and it could be something bad.

  2. Could be they are suspicious and know something or it could be that they are trying to get your goat.. do you react sufficiently for them to get a "charge" out of teasing you with this childish behavior?  Boys will be boys.

    I'd ignore them so totally that the fun is gone.    Or do the opposite and walk right up with a huge smile and say, so, "what's up?"       Depends on your personality if you could pull that off.      When they say "nothing is up" - say something like, "oh you two were whispering and I thought you might want to share"    or  "when you two whisper you just look so cute with your heads together like that and giggling together - just wanted you to know that."  Treat them like they are g*y or something.

    Or just ignore them and get on with your life - more than likely if you say something you will just make it worse... who cares what they do?

  3. Could mean they're suspicious and know something.  Or suspicious and want to know something.  Or they're thinking about how they could find out about something.  They want to know your secret.  Unless you were naked, it isn't hard to guess what the secret they want to know about was.

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