
Help what happend???

by  |  earlier

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Ok so i was driving the other day and i needed two more exits for my destination...... I dont remember anything else but seeing a sign that said welcome to temecula .... I dont remember driving over there i live in Ontario and temecula is like 2 hrs. away!my brother was next to me he said i was not talking or anything... he doasent remember much either what hapend to me??? this happend to me before but only for a cuple of exits or lights.... tanks in advance for all your help... =)




  1. You need to stop smoking weed while driving

  2. Since your brother was with you, and he doesn't remember much of the ride either, you may want to have your exhaust system checked out.

    You might have a leak somewhere under the car, and were subjected to Carbon Monoxide from the exhaust.  I have also see this happen in hatchbacks and minivans if you open the rear windows that open in and out on a latch instead of rolling up and down like normal.  If you open one of those pop-out windows on the side where the exhaust pipe is at, it can suck the exhaust inside the car.  

    Something to think about anyhow...  You also might have been breathing the usual smog bank that backs up against the San Bernadino mountains...  That usually only causes your eyes to burn though....  :-}

  3. oh you're just a space cadette.

  4. Alien abduction. I know it. The x-files are true.

  5. ALZHEIMER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. You went too far south on the 15 freeway. You were probably chatting up a storm on you cell phone and lost track of time. Temecula is about 20-25 minutes from Ontario.

  7. You need a checkup.

  8. lol It happens to the best of us hah
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