
Help....what should I do?

by  |  earlier

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I have been seeing this guy for a little over a month. We work at the same place just in different departments. Everything's been great until last week when I tried to call him to confirm plans and he had his phone off all day and all night. I tried to call the next day and his phone was on but he wasn't answering. The day after that he came to my office and wanted to talk. I kinda gave him the cold shoulder but wanted an explanation of why he was avoiding me. He told me that it was making him crazy because he had heard through a friend of his that I was seen talking to another co-worker. He automatically thought something was going on and that's why he was avoiding me. Tonight I was waiting for a friend after work to return something of their's. He pulled up to my car, got out and asked me what I was doing. I told him that I was waiting for a friend to return an item. He said who you waiting for. I tried to explain but he kissed me good night and left. I tried to call a couple times but he wasn't answering and not returning my call. I'm guessing this is the same game he was playing last week.He told me a couple weeks ago that if he sees me doing something that he doesn't like then I need to forget about him.

Should I break it off with him or give him the benefit of the doubt?




  1. It is a violation of the TOSS agreement to post the same question on more than one part of the forum.  You will probably receive a warning from Yahoo not to do this again.  I already answered your question on the Singles and Dating section.

  2. I say drop him like a bad habit. He is playing childish games and sounds like a control freak. Do you really want to be with someone like that? you are your own person you make your own decisions and should have enough sense to get out of this before it gets worse. If he is already acting like this, who's to say you won't have to ask his permission to go to a movie or something one day? I mean really, everyone does things that the other person will not always like. Get away before this gets dangerous.

  3. unless you want to be controled all your life, Dump him

  4. dump it now! and get a smarter guy

  5. This guy sounds  possessive and I think he's going to be watching you every step you take- dump him!

  6. This"boy" is a jealous little weasel. I would break it off now and save yourself a lot of trouble. You need a man in your life not a lame like him anyways.  

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